
by Sam Malone

When you feel pain to the vein of your legs, this condition might be phlebitis. This is an inflammation due to a blood clot. This may also affect your arm. This may get complicated, especially when the flow of the blood is blocked. This medical problem can either be deep vein or superficial.

Deep vein thrombophlebitis – is an inflammation which may occur to the large blood vessels located deep within your legs. When big clots form, this may break and go to your lungs. When this happens, you will be affected with pulmonary embolism. Superficial thrombophlebitis – may affect the veins within the surface of your skin. This problem is not severe and when you treat it properly, it will disappear immediately. However, when you do not attend to it right away, it might also affect the deep leg veins.

When you are affected with phlebitis, this may be due to the complications of surgical procedures. On the other hand, the risk of blood clots is high when your vein is injured. There are also some instances wherein the clots develop even if you have not been injured. The other risk factors of this condition are:

  1. When you stay inactive for a long time, like staying in one position for long hours. This will cause the blood to flow slowly, or to pool.
  2. When you do not exercise regularly.
  3. When you weight too much.
  4. When you smoke all the time.
  5. When you have certain underlying conditions, like blood disorder or cancer.
  6. When your legs or arms are injured.
  7. When you have varicose veins.
  8. When you are using birth control pills, or when you are pregnant.

When you have superficial phlebitis, you may notice symptoms like a long and thin red spot on your skin surface, itchiness, and inflammation within the affected spot. You may also experience burning and throbbing sensations, especially when you lower your leg. You will develop a low fever. Meanwhile, when you have deep vein thrombophlebitis, the symptoms may be similar to the former. However, the most common sign would be inflammation and pain throughout your limb. When this condition is not treated early, it will lead to ulcer, bacterial infection, and skin discoloration.

The treatment for this medical condition usually calls for home care. When you consult with a doctor, you will be prescribed with an anti-inflammatory medication. An example would be Ibuprofen, which helps reduce pain and swelling. You will also be advised to walk and exercise more, in order to increase the flow of your blood. Plus, it also helps prohibit the development of blood clots. You may also be prescribed to wear leg compression stockings. You might be advised to prevent from resting for long periods, since this will only make your condition worse. If you are affected with deep vein thrombophlebitis, you may have to be confined in a hospital for further diagnosis. You will also be treated to ensure that complications will not occur.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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