More user remedies on Bacterial Vaginitis

Yeast Infection Remedy
suggested by Sarah on Monday, October 1, 2007

Apply Acidopholus caplets in the vagina to treat a yeast infection. There available in the vitamin section at your local pharmacy.

suggested by [unspecified] on Thursday, September 13, 2007

I read another review about this product & it REALLY works! I have no insurance right now I was getting despersate! I bought this @ Walgreens & my symptoms have gone away.I took my second dose last night. I can't stand bacterial vaginosis..I get it when I stress out. It's a horrible feeling to know that down there things are NOT right! Well, now once I notice the symptoms I'll buy this. No more worries about odor or being paranoid if any one once can notice an odor.

It really does work!
suggested by Tammy on Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I was suffering from a bacterial infection for a month now due to lack of insurance and the money to pay for a doctor visit. As you probably know there aren't many over the counter drugs for bacteria, yeast yes, bacteria no. After being totally frustrated I decided I was going to making a Benedine Douche. But I came across Rephresh, I tried it and in three days my symptoms are gone. It really does work. I've tried the tea home remedy which didn't seem to work at all for me. I tried using yogurt which helped but not enough to truly get rid of the odor for longer than a couple of days. I recommend this to everyone, it's a little costly. About $20 but they give you 4 applicators and I only used one and it worked so it's really worth it. I truly understand the irritance of a bacteria infection and really think this is a great product to help.

Easy Bacterial Vaginosis preventive
suggested by Amanda on Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Take NOW brand probiotic: its called Gr8dopholis and dump the contents of a capsule out into a empty gelatin capsule. Do it with 2 of them, insert high into vagina at bedtime for 3 nights+. This is a high quality 8 strain entric coated probiotic. By putting it in a regular gelatin capsule, it can melt with your bodies heat in your vagina and help prevent &/or maybe cure bacterial vaginosis. I have tried this....!

suggested by Richa on Saturday, November 25, 2006

Take half tea spoonful of Carom seeds and a pinch of salt. Take this with warm water. Repeat after one hour if symptoms persist. It is very very effective against gas problem

bacterial vaginitis
suggested by [unspecified] on Tuesday, September 5, 2006

My sister told me about a product called "Rephresh" to restore the ph in your vagina after intercourse. It takes away the pain and swelling almost immediately and works for three days after insertion.