Diet for Hemolytic Anemia

Like any other anemia, hemolytic anemia too can be managed to a large extent by consuming a good diet. A diet aimed at improving the hemoglobin content in the blood, can be helpful for those who suffer from hemolytic anemia. Though this will not be a cure for the condition, a healthy diet along with regular treatment and lifestyle management can help minimize the symptoms of hemolytic anemia. Here are some of the major dietary guidelines for those who suffer from hemolytic anemia.

Iron: Iron is a major component of hemoglobin, and it is most important for the synthesis of RBCs. Any blood related diet should be rich in iron. A lot of foods are synthetically enriched in iron. For instance, most of the breakfast cereals today are fortified with iron. US Food and Drug Administration recommends a daily intake of about 18 mg of iron. For pregnant and nursing women, the values are slightly higher. Those with hemolytic anemia should consume at least 20% more iron than normal. Spinach leaves, kidney beans, and chickpeas are vegetarian foods rich in iron. Chicken, fish, clams, and beef are non-vegetarian sources of iron.

Vitamin B: Synthesis of blood requires vitamins B6, B9 and B12. Our body requires all these vitamins in trace quantities. Apart from folic acid supplements, which may be prescribed by a doctor, you should also consider including vitamin B rich foods like spinach, clams, eggs, liver, mushrooms and beans in your diet. A lot of iron rich foods are also rich in B vitamins and including them in your diet can fulfill the daily requirements of both these nutrients.

Vitamin C
: The body requires vitamin C to promote the absorption of iron in the colon. According to US Food and Drug Administration, a normal adult requires 60 mg of vitamin C every day. Citrus fruits are rich in this vitamin and should be included in your diet. Melons, oranges, kiwi fruit and berries are rich in vitamin C. Spinach, broccoli and cauliflower are vegetable sources of vitamin C.

: Apart from iron, proteins are also necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells. If your body is not producing enough red blood cells, it is possible that you may have a deficiency of proteins required for the synthesis of RBCs. The bioavailability of protein is rather high in non-vegetarian foods. Almost all meats, poultry and fish have high protein content. However, it is important to select leaner cuts from these meats as opposed to the fatty portions. Other sources of proteins include milk and other dairy products, eggs and beans. 