Home remedies for toenail fungus and Hepatitis C

I need a natural remedy for toenail fungus - I have Hep C and can't take the pharmaceutical cure - any suggestions?

Toenail fungus is a problem that can lead to discoloured and distorted nails if ignored. Starting treatment early will not only help you to arrest the growth of the problem, it will also ensure that it does not recur. Start by soaking your nails in a solution of equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide with half a lime squeezed in. This will clean and lighten the surface colour of your nails. You can also replace the hydrogen peroxide with vinegar. The natural acids present in these substances will help kill surface fungus as well. Soak for at least 20 minutes, then wash with soap and water and apply a generous layer of cold cream to avoid dehydrating the skin. If problem is severe and your toenails have turned brown, you may have to use diluted bleach to take care of the discoloration. You can use a tablespoon of bleach in a bucket of water and soak your feet in for not more than 10 minutes at a time. After you have taken care of the discoloration, you should concentrate on eliminating fungus. You can apply a paste made with clarified butter and turmeric powder to the severely infected areas. You will have to clean your nails again to get rid of the orange colour left behind by the turmeric. Tea tree oil also works very effectively in killing fungus. Apply it in thick layers under your toenails before bedtime and wear thick cotton socks to bed.

answered by G R

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