How to clear the flume in the lungs due to smoking

What is Phlegm?

Some people are not fully aware of what is phlegm and how it is formed. Phlegm can be described as the thick and sticky substance, which is secreted by the mucus membranes in the respiratory passage. Many people confuse phlegm with the mucus that is produced and expelled from the nasal passages, but the two are different. Phlegm can be thick at times, but it can also be watery in some instances. Under normal circumstances, this secretion is clear or whitish is color, but it is also possible for the color to vary, in case the person is suffering from any infection, or conditions such as common cold, dehydration, cough and allergies. In case of a serious infection, people could experience brownish or green phlegm in lungs.

Most people believe that phlegm is a sign of a problem or a medical condition, but this is not necessarily true. However, the production of phlegm is important for the body, as it lubricates the respiratory passages. At the same time, it also traps any external allergens, dust, bacteria and viruses that may try to enter the body. The mucus traps the foreign bodies, neutralizes them and expels them from the body, in the form of coughing or sneezing. When the body begins to produce an excess amount of phlegm, it could be an indication of an infection that needs to be fought. This is why many doctors discourage patients from using cough suppressants even when they are suffering from a cough; it is best to allow the foreign bodies to be eliminated from the body, through the mucus.

What are the causes?

It is important for people to identify what the possible causes of phlegm in lungs could be, so that the right and timely treatment can be adopted. In some instances, the causes of phlegm in the lungs could be quite serious, as they include pneumonia, tuberculosis and bacterial or viral infections. However, it is not necessary that all cases of phlegm are a serious cause of concern and require immediate medical attention. Thousands, or perhaps even millions of people in the United States, suffer from excess phlegm every day, mainly because of a common cold or allergies. When any foreign substance enters the body, there is a lot of irritation in the tubes and therefore the body produces an excess amount of phlegm at that time too.

Even though some of the causes of phlegm in lungs are not really serious, it is important to consult a doctor and go through a diagnosis at the earliest. All the factors that could lead to phlegm in lungs should be taken care of as quickly as possible and in the right way. If there are no preventive measures taken, the bronchial tubes that are present in the lungs could be subject to a lot of irritation because of the presence of the phlegm. Since the bronchial tubes are quite sensitive and delicate, the patient could be at a high risk of developing secondary infections. Hence, as soon as the symptoms of phlegm become evident, it is important to consult a health care provider.

What are the symptoms?

Phlegm is not a health problem or a condition; rather, it can be described as a symptom of an underlying condition, which could include viral or bacterial infections, common colds, coughs, and so on. Nevertheless, it is only natural for a person to experience some amount of discomfort because of the production of excess phlegm in the respiratory tubes. There are couple of phlegm in lungs symptoms that people could experience, such as a post nasal drip. When there is too much mucus present, it slides down from the back of the nasopharynx to the back of the throat. This sensation can be very irritating and uncomfortable. In order to deal with the irritation, people usually end up clearing their throat very often. This action is usually followed by coughing, spitting or swallowing.

One of the other symptoms of excess phlegm is a blocked nose. The extra phlegm in the body could clog the nasal passages, which makes it difficult for the person to breathe. It is also natural for the person to lose their sense of smell, when this happens. In order to get an adequate amount of air, people may need to breathe from their mouth instead. There are many people who also have an unpleasant taste in their mouths, because of the presence of excess phlegm. Some of the other common symptoms of excess phlegm in lungs and throat include coughing, sneezing and a runny nose. There are many people who experience the symptoms of phlegm in lungs after eating.

What are the best ways for clearing phlegm from lungs?

Clearing phlegm from lungs becomes very important due to the discomfort that it causes to the individual. There are many ways of removing phlegm from lungs, such as controlled coughing or the increased consumption of warm fluids. Many people resort to the use of over the counter cough medication, but this practice should be strictly avoided, as it does not really address the concern from its root. Given below is of the most highly recommended ways of clearing phlegm from the lungs:

  • Sit in a straight chair, with the head a little forward, breathing normally
  • Tilt the head to the back and inhale slowly and deeply; hold the breath for a few seconds, keeping the head in the same position
  • Leaning ahead, loosen the phlegm, just by coughing. Each cough should be a short one and no air should be inhaled between each.
  • After that the breath should be slow; deep breathing should be strictly avoided, as it would result in the phlegm to return back into the lungs
  • This procedure should be repeated a few times.

Another phlegm in lungs home remedy is steaming, as it causes the phlegm to loosen up, which makes it easier for the body to expel it. There are two ways of using this phlegm in lungs home remedy. First people can boil some water and then inhale the steam to clear the respiratory passage. Alternately, people can also run hot water in the bathroom with the door closed, so that the room is filled with steam. Then, people can spend around 10 to 15 minutes in the bathroom.

There is a lot of information on phlegm in lungs and cough, easily available through various resources. However, it is best to consult a doctor and get a "go ahead" before using any of them.

answered by G R

2 easy steps:

  1. Stop Smoking
  2. Take an expectorant, available at a pharmacy.

answered by T

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