How do I soothe a electrical socket shock?

An electrical socket shock is a very serious incident. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety commission estimates that nearly 4000 Americans land up in hospital emergency rooms with Injuries caused in such accidents. In addition, almost 1000 people suffer fatal injuries.

Even though most new homes have a variety of safety devices, children are still at the highest risk. Some experts believe that more than half of the 4000 injuries involve children who jab a metal object into a socket to "see what happens". If you suffered an electrical shock, you are lucky to have escaped any serious injuries. Your body is a great conductor of electricity, mainly thanks to its 70 percent water content. Once you are in contact with an electrical source (like a live wire or socket), the electrical current immediately "jumps" through your body to reach the ground. Even a short, mild shock can leave you with a headache, muscle pain, light headedness, and shortness of breath. A longer, stronger shock can cause deep Burns on your skin (especially at the contact point and the point where the electricity leaves your body) and severe damage to internal organs, including the heart and brain.

Since electrical accidents cause such a wide range of injuries, there is no single "treatment" for them. In all cases, it is advised that you visit a doctor to ensure there are no hidden injuries. For example, even a mild electrical shock can cause ventricular fibrillation in the heart muscles, which is potentially fatal if left untreated. If you are in an environment that exposes you and others to the risk of electrical shock, your best defense is become aware of basic first aid treatments. It must be emphasized that these are not a substitute for proper medical treatment, but only a temporary measure. The most important rule is to never directly touch a person who may be undergoing an electrical shock. This will only cause the electricity to pass through your body as well. Use a dry, non-conducting material (such as a broom handle or wooden chair) to quickly shove the person away from the socket (or any other source of electricity). If the victim is unconscious, check the breathing and pulse and make sure the airway is clear. If heartbeat and breathing have stopped or are very weak, you will need to conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). In case of burns, remove clothing from the area and rinse with cold water to reduce the pain. Make sure someone stays with the person until medical professionals arrive.

answered by M W

Treatment for electrical socket shock

The best thing that will take care of an electrical shock is time. However, if you are in too much pain or discomfort, you can try a couple of simple remedies. Massage the affected area gently and for at least 20 minutes, with warm olive oil. This will go a long way towards restoring circulation in your body. Once that happens, you will feel the impact of the shock beginning to recede. You may have to continue with the massage for a long time, though. If you do not see instant results, do not be disheartened. If your nerves in the area have gone numb, they may just take a while to restore their usual functioning capacity. The other thing you can do is take ice massages. You should go for this option only if you have any residual burns left over from the shock, or if you have split skin or any other kind of injury. An effective ice pack would be to put ice cubes in a cloth and rub it all over the affected area gently. This should also last about 15 to 20 minutes for it to actually become numb and soothe. If you have any burns, make sure they are taken care of before you proceed with these massages.

answered by G M

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