Remedies for yeast infection and UTI

any other remedies for yeast infections or urinary tract infections

In my opinion, the best way to address vaginitis is to support the immune system and change the environment of the vagina and urethra to be "unfriendly" to bacteria and yeast which cause itching, redness, and discharge.

D-mannose (the compound in cranberry juice which causes e-coli to not adhere to the urethral or vaginal wall) may be helpful. Herbal teas including bear berry, Rose of Sharon, cleavers, pipsissewa and calendula may be helpful. A well-chosen acute homeopathic remedy such as cantharis (if there is burning pain) may also help alleviate symptoms.

Chronic infections may be due to a weakened immune system. Home therapies such as hydrotherapy, probiotics, supplements, dry skin brushing, etc. which aid elimination, support good immune function and change the "terrain" may be good options.

answered by Dr K B N

Herbal Remedies For Yeast Infections

  • ALOE VERA, juice assists body in killing yeast cells.
  • BARBERRY, antifungal.
  • CINNAMON, oil is used for thrush.
  • ECHINACEA, tinctures or capsules are used to kill candida cells.
  • GARLIC, antifungal.
  • GOLDENSEAL , antifungal.
  • LAVENDER, added to bath for skin infections.
  • OLIVE LEAF, antimicrobial.
  • OREGON GRAPE ROOT , antifungal.
  • OREGANO OIL, antifungal.
  • PAU D' ARCO, used to trengthen immune system.
  • PEPPERMINT OIL, antifungal.
  • ROSEMARY, antifungal.


  • 1 part ECHINACEA root powder
  • 1 part MYRRH gum powder
  • 1 part PAU D' ARCO powder
  • 2 parts GOLDENSEAL powder
  • 1 part SLIPPERY ELM BARK powder
  • 1 part BLACK WALNT hull powder

Mix the powders together thoroughly and put into size "00" capsules.


Each day drink three cups of the following tea between meals or a half hour before eating.

2 parts SAGE 2 parts MULLEIN , 2 parts RASPBERRY LEAF 1/4 part GOLDENSEAL Use four to six tablespoons of herb mixture per quart of water. Add herbs to cold water and bring to a simmer over low heat. Keep pot covered. Remove from heat immediately and let steep twenty minutes. Strain. This tea will be quite bitter, so you may wish to mix it with cranberry juice.


you may douche every few days (or if the infection is severe, each day) with the following formula:

  • 1/2 ounce Anti - Yeast Tea
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon acidophilus culture or 1/4 cup yogurt
  • Tiny drop of TEA TREE OIL
  • Steep the herb formula in one quart of water for one hour. Strain. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. When the mixture has sufficiently cooled (it should be warm, but not hot) place in a douche bag, and very gently, using a slow flow, douche with the mixture.

For UTI's

Aconitum apellus: This remedy is often useful when a person feels anxious both before and during urination, with hot, scanty urine, and a burning or spasmodic feeling in the outlet of the bladder. It can also be helpful if retention of urine occurs after a person has been very cold and chilled, or after a shaking experience.

Belladonna: This remedy may be beneficial if urging to urinate is frequent and intense, and the bladder feels very sensitive. A cramping or writhing sensation may be felt in the bladder area. Small amounts of highly-colored urine pass. (This remedy is sometimes helpful if a person passes small amounts of blood and no serious cause can be found on medical examination.)

Cantharis: Strong urging to urinate-with cutting pains that are felt before the urine passes, as well as during and after-may indicate a need for this remedy. Only several drops pass at a time, with a scalding sensation. The person may feel as if the bladder has not been emptied, still feeling a constant urge to urinate.

answered by C

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