what kind of drink carbonated water helps in leg cramps?

Carbonated tonic water is known to relieve individuals suffering from cramps. This is because tonic water contains quinine which is a muscle relaxant.

Another remedy for cramps is to have 5 - 6 ounces of water to which a teaspoon of table salt has been added. This mix must be had at once. Most people swear by this salt-water solution as the best cure for leg cramps. Massaging the cramped area for 10 minutes slowly with lavender oil, also works wonders on the affected area. Another method to rid off a cramp in your calf is to sit on the floor or a thick mattress and pull your cramped leg towards your chest while bending it at the knee. As you do so, gently push your thumb into your calf or the affected region and hold it for a while. The position must be held till you feel the cramp relaxed.

Most leg cramps are a result of electrolyte imbalance and the answer to get rid of the malady is to increase the take of calcium and magnesium in your diet. Dark green leafy vegetables like broccoli and kale, are excellent sources of both calcium and magnesium, while nuts, beans and sardine also help supplement the calcium deficiency. Calcium fortified juices and shakes are also good in tackling the cramps.

answered by C B

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