Natural Cure for Bipolar

Bipolar is a mental state of depression and anxiety. Individuals with this mental condition either suffer from mania or depression alternating with mania. It is very essential to take the right treatment because if not treated well, it causes other fatal health conditions as well.

Most of the patients suffering from bipolar are hospitalized because they have a tendency to harm themselves. Lithium is believed to be a good of treating bipolar. Tryptophan is a one of the most significant amino acid that plays a major role in the treatment as this amino acid is further converted to a neurotransmitter known as serotonin.

Aromatherapy also helps in reliving bipolar depression. Some foods like sugar, caffeine, alcohol and processed foods worsen the condition because of their effects on the body's chemistry. So, avoid taking these foods and add more of B vitamins in your diet. B Vitamins help in maintaining adequate level of serotonin which in turn regulates the brain functioning and relieves depression. The most common sources of Vitamin B are wheat germ, fish, meat, peas, soybeans and cooked beans.

Apart from good dietary habits, regular exercise like running, jogging, mediation and breathing exercises also help in the treatment of bipolar depression.

answered by J

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