Question on Gall Bladder

What are the symptoms of gall bladder problems?

Often gall bladder pain occurs shortly after eating a fatty meal, or foods with a high percentage of fats.  Since the gall bladder is the storage area for bile (which helps dissolve fats), the gall bladder may spasm and cause some pain.  Also, if you have gallstones, a stone may become dislodged and cause pain.  The pain may be in the back, beneath the right side of the rib cage.  Or it may be be deeper on the right side above the liver.  The location, duration and radiation of the pain may vary.  It typically has a sharp quality, but under some circumstances may be a deep ache.  Certain risk factors (sex, weight, age, etc.) may predispose some people to developing gall bladder imbalances. See a trained health care practitioner for an accurate diagnosis of your symptoms.

Read more about: Gallbladder Symptoms

answered by Dr K B N

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