Can soaking your feet 3 to 4 times weekly get rid of foot fungus?

Fungal infections of the foot are of two major kinds: of the skin, commonly called athlete's foot, and of the toenails, technically known as onychomycosis. The primary cause behind fungal infections is the accumulation of dead skin cells and dirt on the surface of the skin or in the corners of nails. The fungi thrive in damp areas on the skin where they feed on the keratin present in skin cells. The first symptom of fungal growth in the feet is the appearance of flaky, itchy spots between the toes and at the corners of toenails. This is generally followed by cracks in the skin, which widen on scratching, thereby opening up the thin surface of the skin to the spread of the infection. Your toenails may also turn pale yellowish in color and gradually become disfigured. The skin and the toenails may become very brittle and painful if the fungal growth is not checked in time. Such infections are contagious in nature so they can spread easily from one person to another through close physical contact in places like public swimming pools and gyms.

A few basic precautionary measures can help prevent fungal infections. Always ensure that your feet are wiped clean after a swim or shower in a pool or a session of exercise at a gym. It is the accumulation of sweat and dirt that often provides the atmosphere conducive for fungi to infect the skin cells and nails of your feet. Always wear cotton socks and use an antiperspirant antiseptic talcum powder on your feet to prevent dampness and fungal growth. You may follow a few simple home remedies to treat fungal infections of the feet. Soaking your feet every day for 10 minutes in a tub of lukewarm water to which a tablespoon of common salt has been added helps destroy microbes that might be growing in the corners of toenails and between the toes. You may also use a solution of equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and warm water to wash your feet every night before going to bed. This is an effective means of preventing fungal growth in the feet. You may follow the same procedure using some mouthwash for similar effects. Make sure that you pat your feet completely dry using a soft towel or a blow drier after soaking them in any of these solutions. You may also mix equal portions of lavender oil and undiluted tea tree oil and soak a ball of cotton wool in this solution. Now use the cotton wool to dab the skin between your toes and your toenails. Both these oils have natural antibiotic as well as soothing properties that kill germs and help heal inflamed skin cells.

answered by G M

Foot nail fungus is one of the most common foot disorders experienced by adults in the world today. It is the result of an infection induced by tiny micro-organisms known as Onychomycosis. The micro-organisms are fungi that grow in the warm and moist conditions of the foot. Before you go in for a foot fungus treatment or try a home remedy for foot fungus, it is important to know some basic facts.

Foot fungus attacks the nail itself, often giving rise to thickening of the nails and changes in nail color. Some forms of foot fungus create large sediments of dead thick tissue under the nail, or cause the nail to drop-off. Some other variants of foot fungus do not harm the nails. Lastly, a particular kind of foot fungus causes white-discolored marks on the coating of the nail, bringing about some damage to the nail itself.

A variety of foot fungi that cause toenail infections, also cause roundworm, tinea pedis, and yeast infections, among others. One important fact to note is that the fungus contributing to foot infections is found generally on those people whose feet are constantly moist and exposed to damp conditions. Therefore, people with foot fungus must try to prevent needless exposure to water.

If one is unable to avoid exposure to humidity or water, adopt some precautionary measures to prevent foot fungus from developing. Firstly, try wearing open footwear in public places such as restrooms, and changing rooms. Such areas tend to harbor a variety of fungi and mold that can cause various types of foot infections.

Other preventive methods to be adopted or practiced include proper foot hygiene that includes washing the feet and toes exhaustively each day with a mild gentle cleansing agent, and thoroughly drying the moistness after the wash, between the toes.

As far as possible, wear well-ventilated footwear, like flip-flops. If it is not possible to do so, wear socks made from natural material that can help to absorb the dampness. Also make it a point to change them often as possible in the event of the socks getting moist. Keep away from closely constrained and constricting footwear or shoes with pointed toes as these can restrict any air flow or circulation.

Also remember to disinfect toenail clippers or any pedicure instruments, if these are shared with other members in the family. Although there are a host of home treatments, in actuality no one home remedy for foot fungus works for all. Solutions made from home ingredients are generally ineffective in penetrating the bed of the nail, where the fungus lives.

And, regrettably, there is not enough scientific research that indicates the efficacy of home treatment for foot fungus. If you decide to try a homemade foot fungus remedy or treatment, keep off from substances that may irritate your skin, like abrasive materials, inflammable chemicals and bleach.

answered by G M

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