Remedy for prevention of malaria

How to prevent malaria?

Malaria is the most common and infectious diseases, especially in the tropical areas. Malaria is carried to humans when an individual gets bitten by an infected mosquito.

The common symptoms of malaria include fever accompanied by shivering, headaches and painful limbs. The fever comes down after a while with the patient sweating profusely.

Tips for preventing malaria.

Malaria can be prevented by protecting yourself from mosquito bites. Keep your surrounding areas clean and make sure there is no stagnant water in the vicinity.

Home remedies for Malaria cure
  • Daily consumption of grapefruit is very useful to cure malaria. It consists of natural quinine like substance which should be taken out from the fruit, by boiling a quarter of the fruit and straining the blend.
  • One teaspoon of cinnamon must be coarsely powdered and boiled in a glass of water. Add a dash of pepper powder and honey before drinking.
  • Roast alum over a hot plate and powder it, half tsp of this powder must be given to the patient every two hours.

answered by A W

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