Holistic Cure for Delayed Menstrual Cycle

I have menstrual delay problem it comes after 2 or 3 months. Firstly it cane after 6 months tell me natural medicine homeopathic or ayurvedic

Menstruation is the monthly shedding of the uterine lining. Menstruation begins at puberty and is often celebrated as a girl's first step towards being a woman. Puberty is generally associated with many changes in the hormonal levels of an individual. While this is also present in boys and causes changes in physique and hair growth, it is most pronounced in girls. Since menstruation is governed by the release of hormones, it is not uncommon for there to be several irregularities in the frequency and the flow of a girl's first few periods. However, this is only temporary and within a few months to a year, most girls start to follow a regular cycle. A regular cycle generally consists of anywhere between 28-32 days. If you have had regular periods before and this is a sudden change, you will need to visit your doctor as there could be a more serious underlying cause.

Menstruation is often delayed if a woman has been on the pill for a prolonged period. Hormonal birth control pills change the hormonal levels in the body and so it may take a while for your hormone levels to come back to normal. If you have just stopped taking the pill, this could be the cause for the delay in your periods. Another common cause for such disturbances in the menstrual cycle is DMPA. DMPA or Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate is a very common method of birth control as it requires one injection every 3 months. If you have been using this method of contraception, it may take a little longer for your periods to regularize.

There are several home remedies for delayed menstruation that you can use to get rid of this problem. Dandelion root and chaste-tree berries are very effective in regularizing the menstruation cycle. Parsley too is very effective and is used as a home remedy for irregular menstruation. You can include parsley in your diet by making a cup of parsley tea every morning and evening. Make sure that you drink the tea while it is still hot. Parsley is rich in several minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium as well as in Vitamins A and C. You should also follow a healthy and nutritious diet in order to ensure that your body gets the nutrients it requires for optimum functioning. It is also important to get a certain amount of exercise as well as rest on a daily basis. This ensures that your metabolic rate is not sluggish. Your metabolic rate ensure that all your bodily functions are carried out at the required pace.

Delayed menstruation can also be caused by more serious conditions such as a thyroid problem, Ovulation deficiency, or polycystic ovarian Syndrome and so a visit to your doctor is necessary.

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