How to Cure Sprained Joints?

Sprains, a common injury not limited to sportsmen, are often confused with the similar injury of strains. Sprains essentially refer to problems with the ligament - namely tearing and stretching this too much. Strains on the other hand refer to the same two problems but these apply to the muscle tendon unit. Typically signs that you have had a sprain include the burst of pain which accompanies the tearing or overstretching of your body's joint's ligaments. In some cases, this pain that accompanies the sprain could develop gradually, along with repeated motions. While you should experience some swelling, it might take some time before the swelling actually becomes noticeable. Bleeding, which shows up on your skin as bruising, too may take time to surface. These injuries can occur pretty quickly, such as the result of a misstep while dancing, or they can occur over time. What is important is how you attend to these injuries and take care not to aggravate them further.

The following simple steps in case of a sprain can go a long way in easing your pain and preventing further injury. The first thing to bear in mind when you have sprained a joint is that rest and elevation are very important. You can't keep putting pressure on your ankle, for instance, and expect it to heal on its own. By elevation it is meant that the joint should be kept at a height such that there is no pressure on it. The first aid necessary in the case of sprains would be a cold compress. You could use an ice pack in order to help manage the pain, since it will numb the painful joint. What people often do not realize is that the ice is also necessary to keep the swelling in check. One should also bear in mind that such cold compresses lose their effectiveness after the initial couple of days. Thus, it is best not to waste time after you have sprained your joint. For the pain, alternative therapies like aromatherapy might help you relax and let go of acute pain. For instance, lavender has been used when getting individuals to calm down. In general, if you find that you are still experiencing pain or swelling after 48 hours, it would be best to check with your physician. Emergency services might be in order if there is a possibility of a broken bone.

answered by G M

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