I wanted to know how to stop an itch?

Itching or pruritus is a common condition that can occur in varying intensities, and have varying levels of irritation during the course of a person’s day. While the itching sensation has a number of similarities to the sensation of pain, the main difference is the fact that while pain will cause us to withdraw; itching will actually attract us toward the affected area. Considering that pruritus can affect any part of the skin and that the average human being has about 20 square feet of skin over the body, there is a very high chance that some substance or the other is going to act as an irritant during a day. The natural human reaction to an itch is to scratch the affected area in order to remove the problem. Some of the more common substances that cause itching include poison ivy, chemicals widely used in detergents, dry weather, skin infections and even aging. Itching can also be a symptom of a more serious underlying medical condition such as psoriasis.

Since the condition is extremely common, and is known to affect each and every individual on a regular basis, a number of effective home remedy treatment options have been developed all over the world. You could try a few, and identify the ones that you find most beneficial. Lemons contain anesthetic and anti inflammatory properties that help reduce itching significantly. Squeezing some amount of lemon juice over the affected part of the skin should prove to be very beneficial. Pouring some amount of cold water or rubbing a piece of ice over the itchy area of the skin will greatly reduce the itching sensation, even if only temporarily. Baking soda is known to be very effective when dealing with pruritus, and you should try adding 1 cup of it to a tub of warm water and allow your body to soak in it for about 30 to 60 minutes before you let the skin air dry. If the itch seems to be localized to one specific area, you can try creating a paste by mixing 3 parts of baking soda to 1 part of water, and apply it over the itch. However, do not use this option if your skin is broken. Aloe vera is known to be very effective in treating almost any type of skin infection and should be applied regularly over the affected area until the problem goes away.

answered by G M

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