What if you don't get cysts treated on your tailbone. What can happen?

Cysts on the tailbone, also known as pilonidal cysts, usually develop along the tailbone near the cleft of the buttocks. Most often, these cysts contain hair and skin debris. These cysts are known to exist more frequently in men than in women, and usually develop between the ages of 15 and 24. However, they are very rarely encountered once an individual has passed the age of 40. While the primary case for the development of these cysts is still relatively unknown, most theories believe that they are caused by the penetration of loose hairs back into the skin. As a result of the ingrown hair, an inflammatory reaction occurs causing a cyst to form around the hair. Some individuals affected by the condition may not show any symptoms at all, while others can have their lives severely affected as the condition can cause excruciating pain because of its proximity to the spinal cord. This condition can act as a deterrent to a simple action such as sitting for a prolonged period of time, or even traveling over relatively long distances. Some of the most common symptoms of cysts on tailbone include a pain over the lower spine, warmth of the skin, a redness of the skin in the affected area, drainage of some of the puss collected in the cyst through a small opening, a fever and a localized swelling over the lower spine.

When affected by this condition, there is generally nothing that you can do at home to help improve it. It is essential that your doctor conduct a physical examination to confirm the existence of a cyst and then, if required, drain it through an incision after giving you some kind of local anesthetic. During this drainage, the doctor will also clear the skin debris and stray hair from the wound to avoid any further complications of the condition. Some people who suffer from a recurrent version of the condition may require more invasive surgery to correct the problem. The best method of prevention of the onset of pilonidal cysts is to practice good hygiene of the sacrococcygeal area. Make sure it is clean and dry at all times and also shave or use hair removal creams to keep it free of hair. One must also avoid any prolonged sitting or excessive repetitive pressure being applied to the tailbone. Excessive weight of an individual is also known to greatly increase the likelihood of pilonidal cysts. As a result, losing a substantial amount of weight will go a long way to rid you of the problem.

answered by G M

The small bone, which is at the bottom of your spine or backbone, is called the tailbone. The common problems associated with the tailbone include tailbone injuries, pain, tumor, infection and cysts. A growth on the tailbone that you can see or feel maybe a cyst. If you do not get the cysts on your tailbone treated soon it might lead to painful abscess and or an infection. If untreated or not treated properly a chronic recurring tailbone cyst might also lead to squamous cell carcinoma a type of skin cancer. A medical check up is recommended to check the severity of the problem and to avoid future complications. In medical terms a tailbone cyst is also known as pilonidal cyst, a term taken from the Latin words for hair (pilus) and nest (nidus). It is the pocket of skin in the buttock cleavage that is close to the end of the tailbone. It usually contains skin debris, hair and a little bit of other abnormal or infected tissue.

The tailbone cysts are more common in men than in women. It is seen as a small pit on the skins surface. It is usually harmless until it becomes infected and turns into an abscess. It then causes drainage of fluids (pus and blood), fowl smell from the drained fluids, skin reddening, inflammation and a lot of pain. In some rare cases it might also cause fever.

Loose hairs that penetrate the skin cause most tailbone or pilonidal cysts. Sitting for a long duration, tight clothes, skin friction, riding a bicycle for long duration force the hair into the skin causing ingrowths. The body reacts to the hair as a foreign substance and creates a cyst around it. It could also be caused due to an inactive lifestyle, obesity, excessive body hair, poor hygiene, excessive sweating or an occupation that requires you to sit for long duration. Sometimes it is also caused due to a ruptured hair follicle that is the structure from which a hair grows. It could happen due to sudden stretching of skin.

Regular shaving and removal of hair from the buttocks and tailbone area helps to prevent tailbone cysts. But if the cyst is already infected then you might need surgery to open and drain the cyst. In some cases if it is a recurring problem then the doctor might recommend complete lancing, that is complete removal of the cyst and a little bit of the surrounding tissue.

answered by M W

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