Can you suggest some home remedies for ringworms? And is a paste with mustard seed any good? Have also heard about tobacco, is this safe?

Ringworm is a fungal infection that generally affects the skin on the arms. It can also be found on the scalp, groin area or feet. As this is a fungal infection, it can be contracted through direct contact with infected skin or objects that have come in contact with an infected person or animal. It has also been known to spread through soil containing the fungus.

Soak a couple of mustard seeds for half an hour in half a bowl of warm water. Drain the seeds and grind them into a fine paste. Apply this paste over the affected area at least twice a day. You can also add a piece of raw turmeric to the paste to increase its effectiveness. Although tobacco is often used in the treatment of ringworms it is not advisable to use it on a child. The mustard paste is more effective than the tobacco treatment, so although it can cause a slight stinging sensation it is a preferred method of treatment.

You can also apply apple cider vinegar with a clean cotton swab to the affected area. Alternatively, slice a lemon in half and heat it over an open flame. Apply this to the infected area at least four times a day. If the infection does not clear within a week or so consult a doctor who will be able to prescribe a topical cream.

answered by G M

Warning: does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. see additional information
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