Can we take salt in our diet during jaundice?

Jaundice, is a common condition in which the skin, mucous membranes and the sclera or the whites of the eyes take on a yellowish colour. The bile ducts normally discharge pigments and bile salts into the intestine and an obstruction in the ducts can cause jaundice. The yellowish pigmentation of the skin is because of bile mixing with the blood. The obstruction could be caused by gallstones or an inflammation of the liver, known as hepatitis.

Having a saltless diet or not makes no difference to the treatment of jaundice, as it is not a cause of the problem, nor does it aggravate the condition. All fats like butter, cream, ghee and oils have to be completely avoided for at least the first two weeks, after which butter and olive oil may be included in the diet, but in minimal amounts. Avoid fried foods, saturated animal fats, and large meals, all of which place added stress on the liver. Strictly avoid alcohol, as it contains toxins damaging to the liver. Any foods that contain caffeine or refined sugar should be eliminated from your diet completely.

A light carbohydrate diet would be ideal, with vegetables and fruits forming the basis of the diet. Eating a vegetable broth is also recommended as it is rich in minerals, and very easy to digest. Processed food products containing preservatives, colourings and artificial flavourings, and any other additives should be excluded from the diet all together.

answered by G M

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