Teeth Enamel Dental Advice

Is lemon juice bad for the enamel on your teeth?

Enamel on Teeth Dental Tips

The enamel of the tooth is amongst the hardest substances in the human body. It is the visible part of the tooth and consists of minerals, organic material, and water. One of the most common health problems of urban areas is the decay of tooth enamel. This decay is caused by drinking beverages that have low pH contents and lemon juice has a very low pH content. If you find that the enamel of your teeth is eroding and rotting, you should consult a dentist at the earliest but you should also cut down on your consumption of acidic food and drinks. You can begin by not adding lime to your tea and other drinks.

In addition to lemon juice, a number of beverages play a very important role in the decay of tooth enamel. These beverages, such as colas and some fruit juices as well, contain a large amount of sugar which is one of the greatest causes of tooth decay. Sugar coats the inside of your mouth and teeth and makes the pH level in your mouth much lower than normal by increasing the production of lactic acid. It is very important that you avoid such beverages and increase the levels of your oral hygiene to counteract any erosion of your dental enamel.

answered by G M

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