What are the symptoms of a UTI ?

Advice on Urinary Tract Infection

One of the first symptoms of having developed a urinary tract infection (UTI) is that there is a constant urge to urinate all the time. When you do go to urinate, you will find very little or no urine coming out, and whatever little does come out will be accompanied with an extreme burning and sometimes even painful sensation in the urethra. Sometimes, this little amount of urine may also be accompanied by a few drops of blood. This, however, is not very common. Once you have visited the toilet, the urge to go again may recur in as little as 10 minutes. Sometimes, you will find that you cannot control the urge to go either, it is so strong. The patient will also feel that the bladder if full, and it may possibly be full as well, but the patient will be unable to release urine and empty out the bladder completely. This can cause a lot of agony to a patient suffering from UTI.

The other obvious symptom of having developed a UTI is that there is a constant and dull ache in the lower abdomen or even the lower back and sides sometimes. In very extreme and unattended cases, the infection may be accompanied with fever and chills as well. The patient may also feel like throwing up all the time.

answered by M W

Advice on UTI symptoms

The most obvious symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) range over a variety of things. The first thing that would probably happen is that you would feel the desperate urge to urinate. But when you do go, you cannot urinate, and if you do, it will be a few drops and very painful as well. It will be accompanied with mild stomach cramps in the beginning, and a burning sensation all along your urinary tract, which you will feel on the inside. As it grown, the infection will make these symptoms stronger. Another very prominent symptom of UTI is that you will feel the urge to itch your entire vaginal area very strongly.

Another symptom may be that you will feel tired and suffer from general body ache all day. It is rare, but there may sometimes also be a mild fever. There may also be a strong stomach ache, somewhere in the region of your lower stomach, which will come and go intermittently. But these are symptoms that may or may not be present. It is also important to remember that you may have a UTI which manifests no symptoms at all. Only the color of your urine will change to becoming cloudy and sometimes being accompanied with blood.

answered by G M

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