I have a small growth just inside the rectal opening. I also have itching and burning inside the rectum. Any ideas what it could be?

Tags in the anal area are the skin flaps and lumps, seen in the anal area. They are shapeless and are also known as skin tabs. They are commonly seen in many individuals and occur due to any other anal or rectal complications. An external hemorrhoid in its acute stage, if left without treatment results in a skin tab, which is also known as hemorrhoidal tab. Edges of skin develops into skin tabs, after a surgery. The blood supply through the hemorrhoid artery results in the formation of a larger hemorrhoid. A skin tab, located beneath an injury is referred to as a sentinel tag. A skin tag is generally a painless protrusion seen in the anal opening.

Anal fissures are also associated with a sentinel tag. Itching as a symptom complicates the situation. This is especially due to the accumulation of fecal matter under the skin tag. Certain skin tags indicate the presence of a major underlying ailment. Previous inflammations in the anal area give rise to a skin tag. They fail to show any symptoms and those as a result of itching; poor hygiene and pain are eliminated by biopsy. Cosmetic treatment involves laser surgery. Visit your physician to understand your problem precisely, as treatment right after diagnosis helps in faster recovery from the condition.

answered by Dr C

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