How to stop a toothache? Does gargling salt water work?

Treat Toothache Naturally

Gargling with salt water is a very good way to rinse your mouth of the bacteria that maybe causing the toothache. If it brings you relief then it's an indication of food stuck between the gaps. Moreover a thorough rinse can also help to dislodge the food which maybe the reason for the pain. After every meal and especially just before bedtime, take a glass of warm water and stir in a teaspoon of salt in it. Take a mouthful of the salt water and hold it in your mouth while swirling it all over inside the mouth, for about two minutes before you spit it put. If the pain gets too unbearable, clamp on a piece of clove at the spot where the ache is the most severe. Clove oil can also be put onto the tooth. However, do put clove oil directly on the tooth as undiluted clove oil can cause damage and inflammation to the skin and gums surrounding it. Instead take a cotton ball add two drops of the clove oil and pack the ball to the ache for at least an hour. Cloves are known for their antibacterial properties and are also a natural pain killer.

answered by K C

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