I am starting with a scratchy throat and stuffiness and runny nose. I am a 56 year female

Treatment for Cold and Fever

It sure sounds like the beginning of a cold or perhaps hay fever. Contrary to what it is termed as, hay fever is an allergic reaction to either pollen dust or pollution or something that would have triggered an allergic reaction in the air. Eyes beginning to itch and water, a runny nose, repeated sneezing, itchy feeling in throat are all signs of hay fever. However there is neither high temperature nor fever associated with hay fever. Limit your outings during early mornings as these are peak pollen periods. The time from five in the morning till about ten a.m is usually high in pollen counts and staying away from the outdoors can lessen your chances of allergy. To combat nasal congestion and stuffiness, take a teaspoon of salt in a pint of water and add a pinch of baking soda to the water. Stir it well till the salts and soda dissolve. Take a small teaspoon of the water and whiff it up each nostril. This is a safe method and is not likely to cause an addiction for getting rid of nasal congestion. A good steam is also beneficial is opening up the pores. Do not add any kind of oils or medication to the steam. Water steam in itself is useful in clearing up nasal passages.

answered by K C

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