How to get rid of scars bruises from a boil

Scars are unsightly reminders of past injuries and you can spend hours using make up to cover them up when going out. It is far better to think of a permanent remedy to this problem. Time, as they say, is the greatest healer of all, and most scars fade over a period of time.

One of the easiest ways to tackle a scar is to apply some lemon juice. You can simply cut off a slice of lemon and squeeze the fresh lemon juice on the affected area. Regular application will help the scar fade. Using honey is another great way to get rid of scars. You can either use honey by itself or else mix a tablespoon each of honey and lemon juice and rub on the scar. You can give yourself a massage at home, using Vitamin E oil. If your medicine cabinet does not have this, then you can massage a tablespoon of olive oil. Another easy remedy is the application of cucumber juice.

Eating healthy and maintaining a regular schedule will also go a long way towards fading the scars. Regular sleep and a strict exercise regime will also help you develop healthy, glowing skin. Drinking plenty of fluid during the day and staying off oily food will also help your skin gain a glow.

answered by G M

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