Does intercourse cause yeast infection.

Natural remedies for yeast infection

Yes, sexual intercourse is one of the causes of yeast infection. Keep your genital area clean at all times and maintain a high level of hygiene before and after having an intercourse. Additionally, some condoms have lubricants that contain a spermicide that may cause yeast infection. Some people are allergic to latex, though his is not commonly seen. If this is the case with you, use alternative methods like safe sex or additional barriers for sexual intercourse.

To treat yeast infection naturally, use the following natural treatments.
  • Apple cider vinegar is very effective in curing yeast infections. Dilute a cup of it with water and wash your genital area with it. Or you can dab the area with a cloth soaked in apple cider vinegar 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Yoghurt is another common home remedy to treat yeast infection. Soak a tampon in it and place it on the genital area or you can directly apply it to the genital parts. Repeat this for at least twice a day. The healthy bacteria in yoghurt will replace the harmful one and cure infection. You can have 1 or 2 cups of yoghurt and drink 2 to 3 glasses of buttermilk regularly till the infection is cured.

answered by D D

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