Home remedies for swollen lips with white bump

With the description, it seems that the lip would have been scalded while eating something hot, spicy or pungent. In either case, a sign of a white bump on the lip that gives out sensations of burning is an indication of injured lips. Your lips are made of mucous cells and not skin cells hence any harsh application will only aggravate the condition and cause it to burn further.

Wash the lips gently with cool water and a mild soap or a baby shampoo and pat it dry. Take cotton gauze and put on it a drop of milk and a pinch of turmeric powder. Place this gauze on the bump and let it stay till it feels dry.

Apply a smearing of honey on the lips for faster relief. Castor oil is also an effective emollient and a healer. Apply castor oil on the white bump and on the surrounding areas to see a noticeable difference in the morning. Use the two applications alternately during the day. That way you get the best of both the healing powers from honey and castor oil. Continue to keep applying wither of the two till at such a time you notice a difference in visibility and the sensation. Once the sensation returns to normal you can discontinue the treatment.

answered by C B

A lump or bump on the lips can be a mucocele. A mucocele is a painless mucous cyst that occurs on the inner surface of the lips, containing mucin produced by the salivary gland. This usually happens when the salivary gland duct is ruptured as a result of some injury. Mucoceles are usually seen in children, and sucking of the lip membrane between the teeth is often believed to be the cause. Usually, no treatment is required except when the mucocele seems particularly persistent. In such a case, if not treated soon, the cyst can become permanent and may require a surgery for its removal. However, you should never try to open a cyst at home as this might lead to various infections.

It is best if you visit a doctor to find out for sure whether the bump is a mucocele, but the following are some of the home remedies that can help in reducing the cyst:

  • Rinse your mouth with salt water, at least three to four times a day. Mix a tablespoon of salt with warm water to rinse your mouth. Do this for two days and note the difference in the size of the cyst. If the cyst seems to reduce in size, continue the treatment.
  • Apply evening primrose oil to the cyst, as this oil is often effective in reducing the cyst.

answered by G R

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