Mouth infection natural treatment

Mouth infection can be a vast term including some minor or some serious problems like mouth ulcers, gum abscess or infection. It can involve the tooth, gums, mucous lining of the cheeks, lips and tonsillitis. All these conditions require different treatments and have different home remedies. For example a tooth infection or gum infection may require a tooth extraction, root canal or root planning but other infections like crankier sores, herpes or cold sores may be treated in a different manner. The main focus to treat mouth infection early is by maintaining optimal oral hygiene. Besides try the following home remedies to heal your infection sooner.

Some oral infection treatment:

  • If you have mouth ulcers then dip glycerin in a cotton ball and dab it on the affected area.
  • You can even eat raw tomatoes or drink tomato juice to get rid of the ulcers.
  • Chew holy basil leaves (holy basil) or a place a piece of whole clove between the teeth which are in pain. The oils in clove will help to relive the pain.
  • Avoid too spicy and oily foods; this will help to heal the infection sooner.


answered by Dr S

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