Natural cures for high blood pressure.

The silent killer called high blood pressure or hypertension is affecting more and more people these days. Owing to the fast pace of life, physical and mental pressure shoots up the adrenaline in the blood stream leading the pressure of the blood to rise. There is a certain level of force with which the heart pumps the blood into the arteries. This force or pressure is maintained by the body and an increase in it is known as high blood pressure, often adding to the pressure is narrowing of the small blood vessels called capillaries, which stresses the heart more to pump blood through the blood vessels. The main reasons of high blood pressure are stress, obesity, hormonal changes in women and an over intake of sodium. The damage done by high blood pressure can be fatal because it can lead to heart attacks, kidney failure, brain injury, eye injury and strokes.

You can keep high BP at bay if you exercise regularly and make sure that you are as stress free as possible. Apart from that, dietary changes like quitting fried foods and high intake of salt would help. Garlic is known to be most effective to treat high blood pressure. Chew a piece of garlic on an empty stomach and swallow it with a glass of water. This will reduce contraction of the small arteries, regulate heart rhythm and slow down the pulse rate. When you feel your blood pressure is rising, take 100 grams of water and squeeze half a lemon in it. Drink this every two hours will bring you immediate relief. This will also strengthen capillaries as lemon as it is a rich source of Vitamin P. Faulty lifestyle for a prolonged time is responsible for high blood pressure but its cure doesn’t have to take that long. You can get considerable relief from the problem in as short a time as 5-7 days if you take four basil leaves and two margosa leaves with 2-4 teaspoons of water, empty stomach every day. Or then you can also consume a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with water every morning and evening for 10 to 15 days. Apart from these, you can take a hot foot or leg bath for 10 minutes every night. This will distress you and control your BP. Keeping hot compress over the heart is also known to help a lot. While you try all these, do remember to be mentally and physically relaxed, which are actually the keywords to avoid high blood pressure.

answered by G M

Blood pressure or hypertension, a common malaise of the times, is attributed to higher levels of stress, mental and physical in the modern lifestyle. The most common symptoms of blood pressure include pain at the back of the head and neck, as well as dizziness and palpitations. This can sometimes be accompanied by nervous tension, constant fatigue as well as breathlessness. While the lifestyle plays a large role in causing high blood pressure, it can also be caused by a die high in salt and fat and low in fiber. Smoking, excessive consumption of tea, coffee and alcohol also lead to hypertension. Obesity, diabetes and hardening of the arteries (artheroscelorsis) are also major causes of hypertension.

There are several home remedies for controlling and reducing blood pressure. Onion juice is excellent for hypertension and related problems such as cholesterol. It not only cleans the system, but also soothes the nervous system. Mixed with equal portions of honey is an excellent remedy for hypertension. Have 2 spoons of this mixture daily till your blood pressure lowers and then continue for a few more days as necessary. Basil and margosa leaves are also known for their medicinal properties. Grind 4 basil leaves with 2 margosa leaves with 4 spoons of water and drink this on an empty stomach with a glass of water. If you find the mixture too bitter, you can add a spoon of honey to make it palatable. Poppy seeds and melon seeds powdered and stored in a bottle can be consumed, first thing in the morning with a glass of water to control blood pressure. Apart from this, it is advised to try and ensure your diet includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly, lead a relatively low stress lifestyle and get adequate sleep.

answered by G M

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