Home cure for treating menstrual problems

I have scanty menstrual periods since 4 months. My hemoglobin is 9 gms. Please advice?

A hemoglobin count of 9 is on the low side and indicates anemia. The normal hemoglobin count for women should be between 12-16 gms/deciliter. Try taking an iron supplement or eating foods rich in iron some of which are listed below:Non vegetarian sources:

  • Chicken Liver
  • Mussels
  • Pork Liver
  • Oysters

Vegetarian sources:

  • Fortified breakfast cereals
  • Cooked lentils/beans
  • Pumpkin seeds

Scanty periods or irregular periods are caused by several reasons. High stress levels, poor eating habits, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, over exercising and anorexia are just some of the causes. The first thing to do is to get a complete physical done with the help of your doctor. This should include thyroid function tests, reproductive hormone tests and a complete pelivic exam to rule out or diagnose any serious problems.

If there is no serious problem, making the changes described below to your lifestyle will almost always help kick start your periods and regularize them.

  • Decrease the amount of refined carbohydrates you eat. Replace all products containing white flour with whole wheat or multigrain products. Eat lean meat and vegetables. Include a salad with at least one meal of the day. Avoid sugary desserts and beverages. Switch to a sugar substitute containing sucralose in place of sugar. Don't use any sugar substitutes containing aspartame.They are bad for health.
  • Get rid of nutritional deficiencies with a standard multi-vitamin supplement. Get lots of calcium and take a fish oil supplement as well.
  • Exercise regularly but in moderation. The key is to find a balance and neither be sedentary nor overdo exercise.
  • Reduce stress through exercise, meditation, yoga and other relaxation techniques.

These are good lifestyle changes to make to improve all-round health and are particularly beneficial for menstrual problems.

answered by S E

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