Kindly advice me on what to do for blocked fallopian tubes?

Blocked fallopian tubes can occur due to a vast variety of reasons. In order to determine what the reasons for your blocked tubes are, you would need a gynaecological examination. If your tubes are blocked due to inflammation, you can try applying anti-inflammatory oil to the stomach area. This could help reduce the swelling, which would possibly be noticeable even to the naked eye. There are also cases of the fallopian tubes getting blocked due to dryness. In this case, water may help the situation. You should try a two-fold remedy. Drink plenty of water and keep every part of your body hydrated, as well as use a douche to supply water. The latter may not even work as desired, but it will certainly keep your system clean. You should also avoid using tampons, since their highly absorbent nature can actually add to the dryness within the body. If your tubes are blocked due to an infection of any kind, you would need to get medical help to remedy the situation. Sometimes, excessive abortions can also contribute towards damaging your tubes or blocking them. Again, this would require medical confirmation. There are documented cases of tubes being blocked because of too much fat sticking to the insides. If this is your case, you would need to go on a weight loss and diet program.

answered by M W

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