Articles :: Diseases and Ailments

The intercostal muscles are located between the ribs. There are eleven intercostal muscles that are located on each side of the rib cage. They function to move and stabilize the chest wall. Intercostal muscles connect one rib to another and aid...
Biliary colic or gallstones or bile duct stones, are hard-pebble like deposits that form within the gallbladder. They develop over long periods of time and may be as small as a grain of sand or grow to the size of a lemon. Most gallstones do not...
Syncope is a term used to describe a temporary loss of consciousness that results in dizziness. It is commonly referred to as "fainting", "passing out" or a "blackout" and is not limited to a specific age group....
Encephalitis is a term used to describe an inflammation of the brain. Amongst the causes of encephalitis, viral infections are common. Viral encephalitis can be caused by many different types of virus, the most common of which are the herpes...
Lupus can be described as a chronic inflammatory disease which occurs when your immune system begins to attack the healthy cells, tissues, organs and systems in your body. Anyone can suffer from this autoimmune condition, though it usually...
Monocular vision can be described as “sight in one eye only”. This medical term comes from the words Mono, which means “one” in Greek as well as Oculus, which means “eye” in Latin. Normally, people with...
Haemophilus Influenzae, previously called Bacillus infleunzae or Pfeiffer's Bacillus can be described as a gram-negative coccobacilli bacterium. This microorganism was first described by Richard Pfeiffer in the year 1892, around the time of an...
The term Vasculitis stands for inflammation in the blood vessels. Lupus vasculitis can be described as one of the many side effects that could occur, because of the chronic inflammatory disease called lupus. This problem takes place when your...
Lupus can be described as a lifelong autoimmune, inflammatory disease that occurs when your immune system begins to attack the healthy cells, tissues and systems in your body. Fibromyalgia on the other hand, is a common musculoskeletal condition...
Lupus can be described as a chronic condition in which your immune system becomes overactive and attacks the healthy cells, tissues and systems within your body. In addition to your blood, skin, joints and bones, lupus could have an adverse effect...
There are 272 articles listed in Diseases and Ailments