Articles :: Diseases and Ailments

Nosebleeds are a common occurrence, which is why they rarely cause us to worry too much. You could suffer from a nosebleed due to several reasons, some of which include injuries, a fall, a scratch, extreme climate, hormonal changes, a severe cold,...
The delicate membranes that surround the lungs are known as pleura. Pleura remain moist due to the presence of a thin fluid that helps prevent friction during the process of respiration. The pleural cavity refers to the space between the lungs and...
Atelectasis is a medical condition where the lungs collapse either partially or completely. Cicatricial atelectasis is considered a fibrotic disorder and is treated with the same precautions and methods as other common forms of atelectasis. There...
Lungs ensure that your body gets the oxygen it needs to function. You inhale air and the air sacs in the lungs fill with this air. The oxygen in the air passes through the capillaries which are present in the walls of the air sacs. While the...
The definition of atelectasis is the collapse of part or the whole of the lungs. The collapsed part is then devoid of any airflow and does not re-inflate properly. Atelectasis is a common side effect of surgery and anesthesia use. It also develops...
Stuttering refers to irregular or interrupted speech patterns that can affect both children and adults. Typical stuttering patterns include a repetition of sounds or syllables. People who stutter may exhibit a repetition of false starts...
Stuttering, also known as stammering or disfluent speech is a disorder that affects an individual’s speech resulting in the repeated utterance of sounds or syllables that disrupt the normal flow of speech. These disruptions in an...
Though they may sound different, stammering and stuttering have the same meaning. Both refer to a speech disorder where a person repeats sounds, syllables or words. Other symptoms of stammering or stuttering include: Stopping during speech or...
Atelectasis is a condition that affects lungs. In atelectasis, air sacs or alveoli in the lungs fail to expand to their normal size, which prevents the adequate or proper air exchange. These air sacs are crucial in supplying oxygen to the body and...
Atelectasis is a term that has been derived from the Greek words ateles and ektasis, meaning incomplete and expansion. The definition of the term atelectasis means a partial or complete collapse of the lung leading to a diminished lung capacity....
There are 272 articles listed in Diseases and Ailments