December 24, 2009

Solving Sleep Disorder By Acupressure

Posted in Category : Acupressure

Sleep disorders are fairly common and most Americans have experienced some problems, ranging from the occasional difficulty in falling asleep to long-term disorders such as insomnia. Unfortunately, many people do not understand that sleep disorders can cause long-term health damage and reduce the quality of life. The human body requires an adequate amount of rest and “down time” where organs can revitalize and cells are repaired. In fact, one of the main reasons infants seem to spend so much time sleeping is that they need it during the important early months of rapid growth and development. Most doctors recommend that adults get at least 8 hours of healthy sleep, though the national average has fallen to around 6 hours. In simple terms, loss of sleep leads to mental and physical fatigue, lowered immune system strength, and greater risk of lifestyle diseases. In fact, some recent medical studies seem to show that lack of sleep can be linked to obesity and low wellness levels.

The traditional art of acupressure has been practiced in China for centuries. It is similar to acupuncture in the sense that it too recognizes that there are certain points in the human body that are linked to critical systems and organs. In acupressure, simple pressure from fingers is used on these points to either vitalize or suppress organs or systems. For example, acupressure recognizes certain areas in the ears, forehead, and toes that can be stimulated to encourage a healthy night’s sleep. In addition, acupressure also relies on “holistic healing” that stresses on lifestyle and dietary changes to bring about permanent changes in the patient’s body and wellness. To get real relief from sleep problems, it is advisable to visit a reputable acupressure practitioner, who can diagnose the root cause of the disorder, and recommend a suitable treatment plan.

Tips For a Better Sleep

At home, following some basic sleep hygiene tips will also help a patient to get a good night’s rest. Perhaps the most important is to follow regular sleeping times. This helps to normalize the body’s circadian cycle, which regulates the “day-night cycle” that governs sleep. In fact, jet lag is caused due to sudden changes in this cycle when people travel over the dateline. It is recommended that people with sleep problems avoid caffeine and heavy meals for at least 4 hours before sleeping. In addition, some mild exercise at least 2 hours before bedtime allows the body to feel ready for sleep. Some people rely on alcohol or other drugs, but these actually disrupt deep sleep when their blood levels change during the night. A glass of warm milk or a small snack remains the tried and tested method to aid sleep.