
Chicken pox, otherwise known as varicella is a very common ailment among children, particularly...

Very often pimples on the face dry up and fade away but they leave behind scars. These scars are...

Fair skin is generally regarded as the symbol of beauty and most women desire to be called...

Acne is one of the most common problems faced by the teenagers on account of an increase in the...

A great hairstyle increases beauty and gives you confidence. When you want to choose a new...

Acne is a common skin problem which is caused by changes in the pilosebaceous glands. It is...

A healthy, fair and glowing skin is an important component of beauty. The state of your skin...

Weak fingernails are quite troublesome – as you say, they are constantly breaking,...

Lips tend to naturally darken along with the rest of skin as a consequence of sunlight exposure...

Puffy eyes result when the area round the eyes begins to swell. The skin in this area is very...

Puffiness around the eyes or the formation of eye bags, as they are commonly called, is quite a...

Blind pimples are usually not deep seated so when you have one of those which don't come to a...

Thick hair is an asset that not many possess. Since you are blessed with it, the only thing that...

Black spots on the skin could be anything ranging from lentigo or age spots as they are commonly...

The natural color of hair is determined by an oily substance called sebum, which is secreted by...