How do I treat shingles?

Shingles is a surprisingly common ailment and is known to affect almost 2 in every 10 individuals all over the world at some point of time during the course of their lives. The condition spread rapidly and statistics show that almost 500,000 new cases are reported every year. The rash that develops around the skin resembles the blisters that develop with Chicken pox and there is some connection between these two conditions as those individuals above the age of 50 that have been affected by chicken pox before are also more likely to contract shingles as both conditions are caused by the same virus. If ever affected by chicken pox, the virus remains within the body in a dormant or latent condition only to be reactivated in the instance that the immune system of the body becomes weak. Emotional stress may also play a significant part in the reactivation of the virus. Some of the more common symptoms present in the development of shingles includes an uncomfortable burning sensation or extreme sensitivity on one side of the body accompanied by a combination of fever, chills and itching. After about three days from the original pain, you will notice a rash develop around the affected area. The rash will include a number of raised bumps and blisters and may contain some amount of pus while forming scabs in about 12 days.

While there are a number of medical options available for the effective treatment of the condition, there are a number of home remedies that have proved to be just as effective over the years. Taking regular baths with some amount of oatmeal mixed in the bath water has a soothing effect on the affected areas of the skin. Aloe Vera is highly regarded to be a miracle cure in treating almost any skin ailment and would be quite beneficial when the gel is applied to the area where the rash has developed. Make it a point to avoid any kind of humid or moist environments and instead spend more time in cool, dry places as this will help the skin breathe more easily, thereby reducing the amount of time the condition persists. Try mixing about ½ cup o apple cider vinegar in 2 cups of water and dab the solution over the affected areas with the help of a moist cloth. Another helpful mixture is one that contains yogurt and zinc oxide that should be applied over the affected nerve. If applied before the outbreak, it will reduce the number of blisters that eventually develop.

answered by G M

Shingles and chicken pox is caused by the same virus known as herpes zoster. Shingles also manifests in the form of rashes and blisters which are usually filled with pus. These pus filled blisters break out, oozing pus and form crusts. These crusts are likely to heal over a time period ranging from three to four weeks. Blisters caused due to shingles usually affect any one side of the body and usually cluster around the waistline. These blisters may be painful though not extreme in nature. Shingles is most likely to affect adults and children who have not contracted chicken pox yet.

You can be sure it is shingles if symptoms such as pus filled blisters, itchiness, pain, burning sensation or numbness is experienced. Other symptoms associated with shingles are stomach upset, abdominal pain, headache, chills and fever. These symptoms indicate the onset of shingles which is likely to last for a month before such blisters heal. The main cause that leads to the contraction of this virus is contact with any infected person. But contact with a shingles infected person does not necessarily imply you will contract shingles instead it could be chickenpox. The virus is known to circulate from one host to another and it is unlikely or rather impossible to get shingles from any other source.

Certain home remedies and dietary controls can help alleviate the intensity of shingles. Some such home remedies include treating the blister affected area with apple cider vinegar. This helps soothe the painful areas. The rashes can be reduced with the application of a mixed solution comprising Aloe Vera gel, leek juice and honey. This mixture can help soothe the rashes. Similarly, a mixture of Aloe Vera gel, cayenne pepper and coconut oil helps nourish dry skin and helps heal blisters faster. Wear loose clothes instead of tight-fits as this will help the skin breathe and recuperate faster. Synthetic fabrics will not absorb sweat and will therefore aggravate an itch.

While treating shingles,it is important to exercise dietary controls to help the digestive system flush toxins and help the skin heal faster. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are most beneficial in replenishing required minerals, vitamins and nutrients while reducing the load on the digestive system. Spicy foods, fried snacks, chocolates, nuts, seeds and refined foods should be avoided as they do not help in maintaining a healthy skin. Eating healthy foods such as salads, low oil foods and steamed foods will also help nourish the skin and heal faster.

answered by G M

Try these home treatments for shingles-

  • Apply ½ cup of apple cider vinegar in 2 cups of water on affected area.
  • Apply water with baking soda on shingles.
  • Avoid nuts, chocolates, seeds.
  • Use hydrogen peroxide on infected area.
  • Apply honey, aloe vera gel (fresh) on area many times a day.

answered by R S

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