What to do if i have a pinched nerve in my back?

There are many reasons of pinched nerve. You can get pinched nerve in your arms, shoulders, neck or back due to improper sleeping position, sports injury, car collision or any similar injury. Irrespective of the causes of pinched nerve it is very painful and you will always desire for a natural treatment of getting rid of it. You must be keen to make an effort to try various remedies and cures for alleviating pain and modifying treatments to have better results.

Following are some of the best natural ways of getting rid of the unbearable pain of pinched nerve:

  • Over the counter pills such as aspirin and ibuprofen are beneficial to relieve discomfort and pain caused due to pinched nerve. Aspirin is the best medication for preventing the condition to aggravate. Lactating mothers and pregnant women should avoid consumption of aspirin.
  • Hot or cold compress or packs is another effective way of curing pinched nerve. Ice will work to mobilize the nerve whereas heat will work better to alleviate pain. You can try both the methods and judge which is more effectual for you.
  • When you are suffering from pinched nerve in your back, avoid lifting heavy objects and sports that involve sudden pressure or harsh motions.
  • Include more of fiber rich foods such as fruits and vegetables in your diet to avoid constipation. Constipation in a way to strain deface matter is very stressful and exerts more pressure on the pinched nerve. This can even worsen the condition.

answered by J

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