My mother coughs up phelgm and has a lot of stomach pain from coughing, any remedies or suggestions?

Cough and stomach pain occur because of entirely different reasons. However, sometimes, excessive or severe coughing can cause a stomach ache. In order to cough out the stubborn phlegm deposits from the lungs,people tend to exert much pressure on the stomach, which leads to abdominal muscles getting strained. Repetition of this process ultimately results in pain in abdomen when coughing. This is probably the only reason why one would experience stomach pain from coughing. It is in a sense similar to when your stomach hurts from too much laughing. For the treatment of stomach pain from coughing, it is the root cause that should be taken care of and treated which is mainly coughing. You can try some of the following remedies for relief.

  • Mix half a teaspoon of ginger juice with one teaspoon of honey. Administer this concoction three to four times a day. This greatly helps in loosening the cough deposits,making it easier to cough out the phlegm.
  • You can also give ginger tea to your mother two to three times a day. This not only helps in curing the cough but also greatly helps in providing relief from stomach pain caused by strained abdominal muscles.
  • Massage the abdominal area by applying some essential oils for pain relief. You can consult an aroma therapist for the same.

answered by A S

Suffering from bad stomach ache after eating or drinking anything. What could it be?

Abdominal bloating after eating and drinking is a common problem. Stomach pain after eating can occur due to a number of different reasons. Pain in upper portion of the stomach may occur after eating spicy or fried foods and presence of stones in gall bladder. The causes for lower stomach pain after eating could be any of the following:

  • Disorders of the digestive system such as indigestion, gastritis and diarrhea.
  • Bad eating habits such as overeating, eating junk food, and irregular eating timings.
  • If pain occurs on the right side immediately after eating, it could be due to appendicitis.
  • Lactose intolerance is another major cause for lower stomach pain after eating. Lactose intolerance is a condition in which your digestive system is unable to break lactase present in milk and other dairy products such as curd, cheese and butter. If you experience stomach cramps after drinking milk, you should immediately discontinue consuming dairy products in your diet.
  • Celiac disease could also be another reason. This is a condition in which your digestive system is unable to digest proteins.
  • Other reasons for lower stomach pain after eating can be diverticulitis and blockage in intestines.

If you experience stomach pain after eating and drinking on a regular basis, it is best to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis.

answered by G R

Is it normal to have stomach pains during pregnancy?

Stomach discomfort and pain in stomach during pregnancy is a common problem, and most women experience this. In most cases, occasional stomach pain may be harmless, but in some cases, it may lead to serious complications. Therefore, you must not ignore any severe or persistent pain in the stomach during the pregnancy period. During the third trimester of pregnancy, you may experience sudden spasms in your stomach. This happens due to the movement of your baby in the womb, and this is quite natural and you need not worry about it.

The sensation of normal pregnancy stomach pain is quite different from the pain caused by other reasons. Normal pregnancy stomach pain is due to the pressure caused by gradual increase in the size of growing fetus. Other causes for pain in stomach during pregnancy could be any of the following:

  • Gastritis, indigestion, blocked bowel movement, or other disorders of the digestive system.
  • Intake of certain sea foods can also result in severe stomach cramps during pregnancy. There are certain fishthat contain high levels of harmful mercury. Therefore, you must refrain from eating fish during pregnancy.

If you feel that the stomach pain is not due to normal pregnancy reasons, do consult your doctor immediately.

answered by G M

Causes of stomach pain in children?

Stomach aches in children is a common problem and most parents tend to get tensed over such conditions. Due to undeveloped or weak immune systems, children are more likely to get influenced by various stomach disorders.The most common causes for stomach aches in children are as mentioned below:

  • Lactose intolerance is one of the major causes of stomach pain in children. This is a disorder of the digestive system in which the lactase present in dairy products is not broken by the digestive system. In this condition, milk and other dairy products are not digested and result in stomach pain.
  • Indigestion, gas formation, and constipation are also usually responsible for stomach aches in children.
  • Stomach flu in children is another major cause for stomach pain.
  • If diabetic, complications in diabetes may also result in stomach spasms.
  • Other causes include overeating, allergy to certain foods, and food poisoning.
  • Sprained abdominal muscles could also be a reason for stomach pain.

In some cases, appendicitis could also be the reason for stomach pain in children.Although causes of appendicitis in children are not very clear yet, it might occur due to gastrointestinal dysfunction, appendiceal cavity blockage, and bacterial infections, among others. If the stomach ache is severe and persistent, it is best to consult a doctor.

answered by a

Your mum needs to get rid of the phlegm, try to get something at the pharmacy. Flemex usually does the trick but it increases the coughing till the phlegm is removed.

The cough reflex is the bodys way of getting out of the airway.

The "stomach Pain" could be due to the contractions of the abdominal muscles that effect a cough, so those muscles are getting a workout and its getting sore.

answered by T

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