I have pus coming from my gum and top of my tooth, I had veneers done last year and where I had a black tooth there seems to be where the problem is now, I had my teeth done abroad.

Veneers are an important part of cosmetic dentistry and the technique is used either to protect the surface of a damaged tooth or to enhance the beauty of an individual. In this technique, a thin layer of restorative material is attached on the desired tooth using resin cement. At times, the body does not accept a foreign body and this leads to the formation of an abscess. If the procedure was not done perfectly, it too could lead to infection over a period of time. However, the cause of the pus may not be related to the veneer at all and may be the result of ineffective or insufficient methods of oral hygiene.

  • The first point to keep in mind when it comes to a gum infection is to ensure that you keep your mouth clean at all times.
  • Gargling after every meal and brushing your teeth at least twice a day is a must. This will ensure that no food residue, that could lead to or aggravate a bacterial infection, remains in the mouth.
  • The use of warm water to which salt has been added is known to be a good remedy for a gum infection. This is due to the antibacterial properties of salt.
  • Placing a small piece of potato on the affected area is believed to help in drawing out the pus, thus providing a considerable amount of relief.
  • Applying a small amount of clove oil, diluted in water, on the affected area will also help in relieving pain while it kills the infectious germs.
  • It is also recommended that you consult a dentist to ascertain the origin of the pus, especially if the condition persists in spite of home remedies. This will help in preventing further complications. Besides, depending on the extent of the infection, the consumption of antibiotics may become unavoidable.

answered by G M

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