Health advice for knee soreness

There are many different knee soreness causes including those which are because of knee soreness after workout and also knee soreness because of sitting in one position for too long. Surprisingly, both inactivity and too much of it cause the same symptoms. People who work at a desk job and sit for long hours suffer from lack of proper blood circulation in their legs and could get blood clots. Sometimes there is soreness in the knee which is on the inside and not on the outside. This condition makes it difficult for the doctor to diagnose as the cause is not outwardly visible and he may have to conduct several tests to find out the cause. The treatment can be started only after the cause of the problem has been determined. Muscles on the inside of the knees can be over used or damaged because of too much strain on them or an injury which could arise while playing games or using the tread mill at a gym. A knee support is of immense help while performing activities which put a strain on the knees.

Water on the Knee:

Water on the knee is a term which means fluid accumulation around the knee. There is a certain amount of fluid normally in the capsule of the knee joint which lubricates the joint and helps in smooth movement. Sometimes and injury or a disease could cause an excessive fluid build up in this capsule. The most common causes for water on the knee are knee osteoarthritis, over use to the joint or injury to the knee. If the cause is an infection then this should be overruled first as it could cause permanent damage to the knee joint. Swelling and discomfort while putting pressure on the knee joint are the most obvious symptoms. Other causes for swelling and pain in the knee joint are gout, bursitis or baker's cyst. This problem could result in either an acute one or a chronic one if it is left untreated for a while.

Sore Knees from Running:

A common problem among most runners is sore knees from running. This problem of sore knees could occur from running on a treadmill or even from cycling. Often the problem could result from wearing the wrong kind of foot wear which does not provide the shock absorption which is required to the legs while running. Downhill puts more pressure on the knees than walking up a slope. Warming up before running would help to prevent sore knees from running. If the pain is too severe and is interfering with the exercise regime it would be best to see a physiotherapist about it. If the hamstrings and quadriceps are strong then there would not be so much pressure on the knee joints. So trying to ensure that these muscles are strengthened with proper exercises would help a new runner. Anti inflammatory ointments can be massaged into the area to improve the blood circulation and help heal the soreness.

Fluid in Knee:

Fluid in knee or "effusion" occurs when there has been an injury to the knee joint. The reaction to this trauma or injury could be a flooding of the area with body fluids which is a natural reaction to protect the area which has been injured. The amount of swelling could be very little or really large. Fluid in knee joint treatment would be according to the cause of the injury or problem. However, the first thing to do is to reduce the swelling with home remedies like the ICE method which is to elevate the leg, compress the area which is injured and place an ice pack on it for around twenty minutes or so. Knee support will be needed for a while until the area heals. Anti inflammatory medications help to provide relief to the pain and swelling and also reduce the stiffness in the area. It is best to rest the leg for a while until healing is complete. Consulting your doctor is advisable instead of treating such injuries on your own.

Knee Pain Relief:

Knee pain relief can be assured when the pressure is taken off the knees while there is an injury. Rest is essential while a doctor has to determine the cause of the injury and treat it accordingly. The flow of blood to the area should be slowed and for this an ice pack is effective.Swollen Knee Treatment: Swollen knee treatment is given according to the cause of the swelling which could result from fluid collection, gout, injury to the area, blood in the knee, arthritis and several other conditions which affect the knee joint.

answered by G R

Heating pad is helpful in providing relief from sore knees. Try to shed the extra pounds, if any. Anti inflammatory agents, such as bromelain is helpful. Jont strengthening exercises are beneficial, provided, performed under the guidance of a physician. A cold compress for 15 minutes also helps.

answered by r k

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