I'm 32 years and suffering from joint pain from last 3 and half years. All my small and big joints pain. I also feel my heart going down and find difficulty in breathing.

Joint pain can be a warning signal at the onset of arthritis. Joint pain may be a result of various health conditions or injuries. arthritis may occur in men and women and most of these cases are not preventable. The key causes of joint pain are genetic disorders, sore joints, over damaged joints and obesity. Lifting heavy weights could also cause joint inflammation and injury.

The joint pain and inflammation symptoms include joint swelling, early morning stiffness, redness of skin around the joint, fever or weakness. It is advisable to diagnose the type of joint pain to ensure complications do not arise in the future. Chronic pain and lifelong disability are some of the complications associated with joint problems if left untreated. Natural joint pain relief methods are best suitable for mild to moderate conditions. Chronic joint pain must be diagnosed and help sought from a medical practitioner with regard to joint pain remedies.

There are a lot of natural joint pain relief measures that could be made use of when suffering from the condition. Some popular home remedies to soothe inflammation of the joints and joint pains are:

  • Warm water baths soothe the painful area. Oil massages can be followed by warm baths to ensure relaxation and relief from joint pains. Alternate hot and cold compresses on aching joints can also work wonders. Epsom salt baths are also considered a wise option to soothe painful joints.
  • Various types of pains and aches can be cured by consuming a tablespoon of turmeric dissolved in warm milk. Intake of ginger is also known to reduce pain and inflammation. Ginger tea can therefore help in reducing pain. Similarly, menthol and camphor are also known to ease muscle tightness.
  • Moderate exercise is one of the most natural joint pain relief options and also an ideal step to reduce weight and therefore reduce the stress on the aching joints. Choose a thirty minute regime to ensure weight loss. Regular exercise also keeps the joints flexible. Certain stretching exercise can also be beneficial. Consulting with a physiotherapist for an ideal exercise regime can also help resolve joint pains.
  • Combine the exercise regime with an appropriate diet plan. A diet plan should include healthy options to ensure gradual weight loss. Monitor your food intake. Certain types of foods are known to cause inflammatory reaction. Excessive intake of certain foods such as alcohol, meat, dairy products, red meat and vegetable oils may have inflammatory effect. Choose a well balanced meal or diet plan to complement your daily routine.

Joint pains may require medical attention and the doctor would recommend tablets and diet rich in vitamins for joint pain. The use of natural joint pain relief measures should always be done keeping your doctor informed.

answered by M W

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