Home Remedies for swollen cheek: My right cheek is swollen on the right side due to a fall. Do I use hot compress with salt?

What are the common swollen cheek causes?

Swollen cheeks are a fairly common occurrence, which can be seen in several men, women and children. It is not only a source of embarrassment, but it could also lead to a lot of pain and discomfort. At first, you may experience swollen cheeks symptoms like pain, heaviness and tenderness even before the swelling becomes evident. However, within a short period of time, the swelling may be seen quite clearly.

Blunt trauma, such as a fall or other similar injuries, is one of the most common swollen cheek causes in children and adults. The skin on the cheek may not necessarily tear, but the tissues present on the area get affected, which cause a swelling. The flow of blood to the area also reduces, which in turn leads to discoloration. Therefore, apart from a swollen right cheek, you may also notice darkening of the cheek, because of the fall.

However, there are many other factors too that could lead to swelling in the cheeks. Given below are some of the other common swollen cheek causes:

  • Infections: After trauma, this is one of the most common causes of cheek swelling, which occurs when there is a parasitic organism growing in the cheek. Apart from swelling, redness and inflammation may also be evident on the area.
  • Allergic Reactions: An allergy is a hypersensitive response from the body's immune system, to a substance, which is otherwise quite harmless in nature. You could see an allergic reaction if you recently had contact with any allergens, which not only include food, pollen and dust, but also creams, lotions, cosmetics and so on.
  • Lymphadenopathy: An enlargement of the lymph nodes around the cheek could lead to a swelling in the area. Factors that could cause the lymph node to swell include microbial infections.
  • Cysts: A sebaceous cyst, which is a rounded area of skin formed by the sebum that is excreted from the sebaceous follicles, can also lead to swelling in the cheek. This is because an abnormal sac is formed within the cheek, giving it a swollen appearance.
  • Tooth problems: In most cases, a toothache and swollen cheek are experienced together, as any problem related to the tooth could affect the surrounding area too, including the cheek. There are many who notice swollen cheeks after a root canal. In such cases, the swelling is likely to appear in the form of a hard lump.

How to treat a swollen cheek after tooth extraction?

There could be several factors because of which you may need to go through the tooth extraction procedure. You may either face a problem with your wisdom tooth, or could get a decayed tooth extracted, in order to avoid an infection as well as pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, there are a few side effects that have been associated with the tooth extraction process, one of which includes a swollen cheek. While it may not be possible for you to avoid a swollen cheek after tooth extraction, there are many ways in which you can bring the swelling down, within a few days. Given below are some of the most widely recommended techniques of reducing the swelling in your cheek, after tooth extraction:

  • Ice: This remedy is excellent for swollen cheeks, as it not only reduces the swelling, but also has a numbing effect on the cheek, which helps alleviate any pain and discomfort, for a short while. You could place a few cubes of ice in a thick towel and apply it on to your affected cheek. Alternately, you could use anything that is frozen and cold, like snow, a popsicle, an icy-cold drink or even a bag of frozen vegetables.
  • Avoiding hot food or beverages: Till the swelling goes down a bit, it is best to avoid anything that is too hot. Allow your food or drink to cool for a couple of minutes, before you try to consume it.
  • Consuming soft foods: Chewing foods that are crisp or tough may put extra pressure on to the mouth and could worsen the swelling in the cheek. Therefore, it is best to consume foods that are soft or preferably stick to beverages (sipped from a straw) for the first few hours after the extraction.

What is the most effective swollen cheek treatment?

You can treat a swollen cheek, with the help of over the counter medication. These will not just reduce the swelling, but will also get rid of any pain and discomfort too. However, most doctors advise patients to take these medicines, only when the pain in the swollen cheek reaches becomes difficult to bear.

For effective swollen cheek treatment, it is best to identify the factor that has caused the swelling. In order to cure swelling in the cheeks caused by infections, allergies or sinusitis, most doctors recommend over the counter antihistamines. In case of trauma to the area, the swelling can be brought down with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Anti-inflammatory drugs can be purchased from most pharmacies in the form of a pill, gel or cream. In order to cure a swollen cheek because of an abscess in the tooth, antibiotics may be required. However, before taking any medication for a swollen cheek, you need to consult a doctor for the right dosage.

There are many medicines that can help in bringing down the swelling in the check. However, there are several home remedies too, which are very effective in reducing the swelling in a cheek, after a fall, or due to infections or injuries. You could choose to use the remedies frequently, in order to get immediate relief from some of the most uncomfortable swollen cheeks symptoms.

What are the different swollen cheek remedies?

There are several different remedies for a swollen cheek, which not only reduce the swelling, but also alleviate the other accompanying symptoms, like pain, heaviness, soreness and so on. Given below are some of the common home remedies for treating a swollen cheek:

  • Hot compresses: A warm compress is one of the easiest and effective swollen cheek remedies that will bring down the swelling in your cheek and at the same time, it can improve the circulation of blood to the area, so that the healing process speeds up. Dip a clean piece of cloth in some warm water and gently place it on the cheek. This exercise should be repeated 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Cold compresses: Anything cold, especially ice usually works wonders in reducing swelling. Place a few cubes of ice in a thick towel and gently apply it on to the swollen cheek, for immediate relief.
  • Potatoes: It has been seen that potatoes are quite beneficial in curing a swollen cheek. Take a medium-sized potato and chop it into thin slices. Gently, place the potato slices on to the swollen cheek and leave them on for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat this activity at least 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Reducing Salt: Cut down on your intake to salt, to reduce facial swelling. Most varieties of junk and fast food are high in salt and therefore, should also be strictly avoided.

If the swelling continues, in spite of using the remedies mentioned above, it is important to get proper medical treatment. In case you notice swollen cheeks and eyes, neck, tongue or other parts of the face, it is best to seek immediate medical attention.

answered by G R

A hot pack is helpful in restricting pain. Limit the intake of salt. Drink plenty of water. Washing the face with cold water also proves beneficial.

Take the guidance of a physician to check out further damages.

answered by r k

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