I Am 25 Yrs. Married Female Suffering From Recurrent Perineal Boils For 2.5Yrs Varying From Small To Pus Filled Inflamed Affecting Whole Labia. I Have Taken A Lot Of Antibiotics & Anti-Fungal. Nothing Helps.

Boils around the vagina and especially on the labia can be quite uncomfortable and painful. A boil or a skin abscess is a common infection that occurs deep in the skin. Usually, a boil starts as a red, tender area but over time, the area starts to become firm and painful. Eventually, the center of the area starts to soften and gets filled with white blood cells that fight infection. The mixture of white blood cells, proteins, and bacteria is known as pus. It is very important to treat a boil. If not treated, genital boils spread and become infected. This can get very painful and often embarrassing. It is important that you do not try to rupture them as boil are contagious. And an area as sensitive as the labia is more prone to infection.

Here are a few symptoms of genital boils:
  • Lumps filled with pus that are tender, red, and painful.
  • The area around the boil usually starts to itch when the boil is developing.
  • The center of the lump becomes white or yellow when it is about or ready to drain the pus.
  • People with multiple boils have a tendency to develop fever and swollen lymph nodes. The condition with recurring boils is called chronic furunculosis.
  • Although boils are found on the face, underarms, legs, thighs; it is not uncommon for a boil to appear on the labia.
There are many things that cause vaginal boils. Some of them are:
  • Ingrown hair.
  • Hair follicular damage
  • The result of a splinter or any other foreign material getting lodged in the skin.
  • Blocked and subsequently infected sweat glands. (The most common cause of Labia boils)
  • Cut or break in the skin that gets infected.

There are, however, other medical reasons for boils on the labia. Boils are very contagious. If not taken care of, they can even spread into the bloodstream and cause further complications. It is important that you maintain high level of hygiene. Wash the area around and on the boil thoroughly. Try not to apply pressure on it. As far as your diet goes, try having a cup of bitter gourd juice with about a teaspoon of lime juice. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach. Avoid aerated drinks and junk food at all costs. Drink lots of water. You can also try juices, coconut water, barley water, and so on. Please consult your gynecologist if the situation does not get better.

answered by G R

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