What should I eat to reduce my stomach acid?

Acidity or the presence of excessive stomach acids and gastric acids in the stomach can be a common problem caused by a variety of factors, from poor eating habits, dietary choices, unhealthy lifestyles, lack of physical activity, or even due to the presence of some other condition. Under normal circumstances the digestive acids and enzymes secreted by the gastric glands of your stomach are necessary for the proper digestion of food. Both under secretion or over secretion can be problematic and affect digestion.

The main causes of acidity being dietary, with diets primarily dominated by refined foods and low in fiber content, the most effective way to tackle the problem would be through dietary modifications. Dietary changes however will not be adequate if there are other factors responsible for or contributing to the problem. Stress, excessive alcohol consumption and smoking also contribute to worsen the problem.

Some dietary remedies that could help include the following:
  • Eat regular meals and never overeat. Irregular meal times and overeating are a major cause of acidity. Ensure that you follow a fixed routine and try to eat smaller meals. The two large meals can be substituted with three or four smaller meals through the day. This puts less strain on the digestive system and will not cause any overproduction of stomach acids.
  • Always ensure that you chew your food thoroughly and don’t eat in a hurry as this puts great pressure on your digestive system and increases acid production to digest the food.
  • The consumption of milk and some milk produce is also believed to help deal with acidity, particularly cold milk. This however has mixed results and although it does help some it can worsen symptoms in others.
  • Try and boost your intake of fruits like bananas, water melons, mash melons, and cucumbers as they can help control acidity.
  • Herbal teas are another effective treatmet for almost any digestive problem. Try and sip on spearmint or peppermint teas instead of your usual cup of coffee or the other carbonated and aerated drinks.
  • Avoid and cut down on your consumption of junk foods, refined foods, and spicy foods or pickles. All of these foods increase acidity levels.
  • Citric juices and fruits like oranges or grapes should also be restricted.
  • Chewing on a piece of ginger before meals can help control acidity.
  • Try to make it a point to drink a glass of fresh coconut water at least two or three times in a day.
  • The consumption of yogurt with your meals will also help control acidity.

answered by S D

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