What is Rubeosis Iridis?

Diabetes is a condition where an individual's body is not able to properly control the blood glucose level or the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin. Glucose is one of the basic fuels used by the human body to produce energy. Diabetics have a problem with absorbing glucose from the blood into the parts of the body that need it to produce energy. There are a few different forms of diabetes, but they all cause symptoms of fatigue and are a source of other medical complications. Common medical complications associated with diabetes include kidney problems and diabetic eye problems. The reason for this is that the blood flowing through the body tends to be excessively loaded with sugar. This tends to cause problem for organs and body systems that are sensitive to sugar. It should be noted that all the body systems and organs get affected by high blood sugar. However, some of them, like the examples given above, are more vulnerable than the other organs and will thus display symptoms before others.

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the diabetic eye conditions that affect the eyes. There are extremely small blood vessels that feed various parts of the eyes including the retinas. These blood vessels get damaged when the patient is suffering from diabetic retinopathy. This is one of the leading causes of blindness across the world. The eyes are extremely sensitive organs of the human body. There are many different parts of the eye that require a good and regular supply of nutrients. These nutrients are supplied through the blood by extremely tiny blood vessels. The eyes are therefore susceptible to conditions where solid substances are flowing in the blood. These can cause blockages, leading to a number of eye problems.

Rubeosis iridis is a condition that is strongly associated with diabetic retinopathy. Rubeosis iridis is a condition where abnormal blood vessels develop within the eye. These abnormal blood vessels usually occur because the retina is starved of oxygen. This can be a problem associated with blood that has too much glucose or with blood vessels that have been damaged by this excess glucose level. Rubeosis iridis leads to the development of blood vessels that can actually be seen on the iris itself.

Some common rubeosis iridis symptoms include blurred vision, pain in the eyes, visible rings, spots or floating objects in the line of sight and diminished peripheral vision. An individual who has diabetes and experiences these rubeosis iridis symptoms must visit his or her doctor immediately. This could be a sign of the onset of diabetic eye problems. In any case, diabetic individuals should have regular medical checkups that cover all aspects of their health including blood sugar levels and signs of diabetic eye problems. Rubeosis iridis is a condition that can be reversed or, at the very least, curtailed if it is discovered at an early stage. Late stage rubeosis iridis may have already caused too much damage to the eye to make it possible for an individual to recover or receive sufficient treatment from the condition. Loss of vision is something that is permanent and, obviously, extremely debilitating.

The process of rubeosis iridis is also described as neovasculization of the eye, which essentially means the development of abnormal new blood vessels in the eye. Neovasculization of the eye is something that is checked for in every comprehensive medical checkup conducted on diabetic patients. Individuals who show signs of developing such conditions may also need to improve their diet and lifestyle as this can help them regulate their blood sugar levels much more effectively. Doctors may also recommend changes in the dosages of medications used by such individuals to deal with their diabetic medical condition.

answered by G R

Rubeosis is an eye condition in which abnormal blood vessels grow on the iris and structures in front of the eye i.e. the angle structures (the area in the anterior chamber where the cornea and iris join).

Weak and unstable blood vessels arise because other diseases have lowered the blood vessel count. Two common conditions which could lead to rubeosis are: Diabetic retinopathy and vein occlusion. Rubeosis is also most common after surgery when the eye is trying to repair itself.

Rubeosis is known to result in glaucoma. Formation of these vessels obstructs the aqueous fluid from the front of the eye from draining out, causing increase in the eye pressure. This results in glaucoma.

answered by P P

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