Health advice on cream for chicken pox cure

Chicken pox is basically a viral infection that is known to causes rash on one’s skin in the form of blisters. These blisters may form anywhere on the body even under ones eyelids or inside the mouth. One of the cures for chicken pox is to take a bath with some oatmeal as oatmeal is known to have a highly soothing effect on the skin. Nowadays there are also commercially available oatmeal baths that do not clog ones drain which is a common complaint with this treatment option. Another one of the temporary cures for chicken pox and the itching associated with this medical condition is to place a cool, wet compress on the areas of the skin with the rash. This treatment will help in providing relief from the burning and the itching sensation.

Similarly one of the chicken pox remedies also includes the application of calamine lotion to provide some comfort from the itching sensation. Methods on how to treat chicken pox that involve home remedies would also include alteration in one’s diet. The foods consumed should be nutritious and provide the body with all the required nutrients as this will help in boosting the immune system and thereby increase the ability of the body to fight against the virus.

answered by S S

Chicken pox in pregnancy?

While being affected by any condition is always an uncomfortable time and stress filled time, it is even more so when you are affected by a condition while being pregnant. A number of factors suddenly become apparent such as whether the condition will affect the unborn child to any extent. Chances are that no harm would come to the baby even in the event that you are exposed to chicken pox while pregnant – although the timing of the attack is a very important aspect of the extent to which it will affect you. For instance, if you are affected by the condition in the second or third trimester, there is a 1.5% chance that your baby will be affected. The effect of chicken pox in pregnancy at this time is that your baby may develop a condition known as congenital vericella syndrome, or CVS.  

The fact about chicken pox is that once you have suffered from the condition, you become immune to it. According to statistics, about 90% of all adults in the United States are unlikely to suffer from the condition when pregnant. For the ones that have not had chicken pox, however, it is important to avoid the chicken pox vaccine. This is because there is a theoretical risk of damage to the fetus when the vaccine is administered either one month prior to or during a pregnancy.

answered by G M

How to get rid of chicken pox and scars on face?

Chicken pox is a viral disease that results in the formation of pimple-like boils all over the body. Chicken pox is highly contagious which is why it is so common. Thus contact with a person suffering from the condition would cause the virus to spread. Children are more vulnerable to chicken pox as the body tends to develop immunity once one has suffered from an active bout of the disease. Chicken pox boils may leave scars, particularly if they are forcibly removed through scratching. Itching is a common problem of chicken pox which would explain why one scratches a boil off.

Chicken pox scars on the face may be unseemly and, therefore, disturbing to the individual. Vitamin E oil is known to be beneficial to the health of the skin. This can be used over a period of time to help rejuvenate the skin that has scars on it. Lemon juice is also useful to be rubbed into a scar to dull its appearance. One may rub the lemon slice directly on the skin. Both these remedies should begin to show signs within a few days that they are effective. Most chicken pox scars fade away over time on their own.

answered by G R

What is the incubation period of chicken pox virus?

The average incubation period of chickenpox is between 10-20 days. This basically means that during this period any healthy person who comes in contact with anyone infected with chickenpox is likely to develop the infection themselves. Being a viral infection, chicken pox is contagious and its symptoms develop within 2-3 weeks of a person’s exposure to this virus. This infection mostly occurs during the childhood years but can also affect adults.

Chicken pox affects almost 90% children who are below the age of 12 years and is rarely ever severe. When adults contract chicken pox they usually tend to fall more ill and are also at a higher risk of pneumonia. The usual symptoms of chicken pox include mild fever, backache, headache, sore throat and itchy red blisters. These symptoms can however vary in severity from person to person.

Since the incubation period of chickenpox is 10-20 days, the patients develop the symptoms, usually similar to flu, before the actual chicken pox rash appears. Chicken pox is very contagious 2 days prior to the rash till the blisters crust over. The best way to prevent chicken pox is by getting yourself vaccinated. However some people can still get infected even after a vaccination.

answered by A S

I wouldn't want to comment on commercially available creams when we have natural and inexpensive home treatments on chicken pox for you.

Try these:

  1. Apply Sandalwood oil (not paste) from the first day of appearance of rash till the fall of scabs.
  2. Use oatmeal instead of soap while bathing. It is a natural remedy to relieve the itch due to chicken pox.
  3. Have your bath with margosa leaves added to lukewarm water. This will help relieve the itching.

answered by P P

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