Suggest some poison oak remedies.

Poison oak is a plant similar to poison ivy and poison sumac. The colorless or slightly oily sap that oozes out from the plant contains urushiol that is responsible for the rash that usually leaves behind an itchy and burning sensation accompanied by inflammation. Touching the sap of the plant or brushing against it can lead to an outbreak instantly. The sap may also be transferred through the fur of animals or objects that come into contact with it. Rash is the body’s way of fighting the oil deposited on the skin, and the area affected by the sap usually gains a temporary brownish-black hue. The condition is referred to as allergic contact dermatitis. In severe cases, the allergic reaction may lead to a swelling of the glands in the throat, which in turn makes breathing and swallowing difficult. Urgent medical attention is recommended in such cases as it could prove fatal.

Washing the area immediately with an antiseptic solution will prove beneficial in getting rid of the sap contents. For this, a solution made with a few drops of tea tree oil in a glass of cold water is ideal, as tea tree oil is known for its ability to treat skin ailments. Chamomile tea and diluted lemon juice are also known to deep cleanse the area and is effective in the treatment of such rashes. Vitamin C is known for its skin healing properties. It boosts the immune system, enabling it to neutralize the effects of the poison oak. The application of a cold compress immediately on the affected area will reduce inflammation and itchiness. It will also prevent the formation of blisters. Crushing a few mint leaves in a blender and applying the paste obtained on the affected area of the skin will provide quick relief from the burning and itchy sensation and also reduce inflammation.

A margosa bath, prepared by boiling a few margosa leaves in a vessel of water is also advantageous. When the water gains a green hue, add it to your regular bath water. Margosa leaves are known for their ability to soothe and heal skin while reducing itchiness. The addition of oatmeal to bath water is also believed to relieve the effects of the rash caused by poison oak. The itchiness is usually unbearable, but scratching the skin does not lead to a spread of infection. However, the germs present below the nails could be the cause for infection. Hence, refrain from scratching the area with your nails. Instead, you could rub it with a soft towel, if needed, to prevent further damage to the sensitive skin.

answered by G R

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