What is a good source of calcium for milk allergy?

A milk allergy is one of the most unfortunate allergies you can have. First of all it rules out a huge range of foods - most people who are allergic to milk cannot consume milk or any dairy product, as well as any products containing these substances. In addition to milk, yogurt, and cheese, this also includes ice cream and a large number of sweets and other preparations from various local cuisines. More importantly however, you lose out on a great source of calcium when you have a milk allergy. Milk and milk products are probably the richest sources of calcium, and the body is able to absorb most of this calcium. People often tend to forget that they need to consider not only how much calcium is present in food, but also whether that calcium will be absorbed by the body. Spinach for example contains proportionately almost the same amount of calcium as milk does - but only a fraction of the calcium in spinach can be absorbed by the body.

It is therefore essential that you consider this fact when looking for alternative sources of calcium. The recommended intake of calcium is between 1000 and 1400 mg of calcium per day for an adult. It is usually better to get this calcium from food rather than through supplements, but if all milk and milk products are entirely ruled out, you might need to take calcium supplements as well. Good food sources of calcium include beans, lentils, broccoli, hazelnuts, almonds (and most other nuts as well), figs, okra, and in particular kelp and other sea weeds such as hijiki. In addition, there are also calcium fortified foods available, such as soya milk and orange juice. If you think that you may still not be able to get enough calcium from these sources, you should ask your doctor to suggest some supplements.

answered by G M

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