Gastric acid reflux bile and Gastroesophageal reflux disease natural cures using Ginger, Chamomile and Peppermint

My mother suffers from acid reflux. The doctors say bile. She's worried, I have heard that ginger is good for the stomach, ginger gum. What else would work for her? Concerned son

Acid reflux is an extremely common condition experienced by almost all of us at some point of time. Although pharmaceutical products are effective prolonged usage can cause side effects and complications. In cases where there are only mild or moderate symptoms, medication may be unnecessary and dietary changes and life style modifications could work just as well. In advanced or severe cases a long term treatment would be required, which could involve both medications and natural options.

There are a number of herbal remedies that are quite effective, with the most popular being chamomile, peppermint and ginger. They all fall into the category of carminative herbs, which can help relieve indigestion and reduce and ease irritation occurring in the intestines. Ginger has been used to address a number of gastrointestinal problems traditionally. It is also believed to have some anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea properties. Ginger also promotes spontaneous intestinal movement making it a very good remedy for heartburn as well. Chamomile is recognized as having calming properties. Chamomile has quite a high calcium content which is why it helps to decrease stomach acid. It therefore helps ease oesophageal irritation. Peppermint is also believed to help with indigestion and is also very calming for the stomach.

answered by G M

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