Does Salt Water Work For A Toothache?

Toothache Natural Cure

Salt water works best at the onset of a toothache. The salt used for rinsing and gargling disinfects the mouth to prepare for the next stage of treatment, if required. Salt is a mild natural antibacterial and gets rid of pain and decay causing bacteria in the mouth. In most cases however salt water in itself helps to cure the ache. This is due to the fact that when salt water is used for rinsing it helps to cleanse the gums and the teeth effectively. Salt water must be used as often as possible during the day, especially in between meals and after meals. Salt with warm water is ideally preferable as a rinse. Add a good quantity of salt to the rinse, half a teaspoon to one teaspoon per glass of warm water is usually recommended.

Using onion slices on the tooth is also an effective pain killer. Slice a fresh onion and place it on the tooth that is causing the ache or chew on the slices and let the juice of the onion remain in the mouth especially at the spot of the toothache. A slow chewing of the onion slices for at least five minutes helps to assuage most aches.

answered by K C

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