Swollen knee and joint pain remedies: I have swelling on knee and pain in the fibula joint.

Home remedies for swollen knee and joint pain

The knee and fibula joint pain could be due to some recent or earlier injury or arthritis. It would be advisable to consult with your physician to ascertain the cause and get medication accordingly. However, to get relief from pain and swelling, you can try the following remedies alongside the treatment.

Massage the affected area gently in circular and then linear motions with mustard oil for 10 to 15 minutes. You can boil a few cloves of garlic or clove spices in the oil as these are good in reliving pain and reducing inflammation. Stress should be on massaging consistently rather than putting pressure on the joints or muscles.

Add ½ tsp of baking soda in 1 glass of water and drink it once daily for 2 or 3 days. If you find that the pain has reduced, then take it whenever it aggravates.

Increase the intake of vitamin K and calcium in your diet. Eat fish regularly as they are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids and help in decreasing inflammation due to arthritis.

Apply both hot and cold fermentation but not for more than 10 minutes at a stretch. Cold will reduce pain and inflammation and heat will also control pain and relax and sooth the muscles.

answered by D D

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